Apparently it really is the case that anyone who isn’t white is somehow unqualified.

    4 days ago

    MAGA is a party of Socio/Psychpaths, who are mostly incapable of understanding the thoughts and feelings of others.

    We know that they could have been wildly successful in realigning America along their philosophical lines, just by taking it slowly, but their sociopathic perspectives don’t see the advantage in that. They have clearly adopted the Nazi Playbook, which includes the Nazi strategy of Blitzkrieg, so they have embraced it as well. The difference is that Nazis didn’t care that the citizens might oppose them, because they were fully prepared from the beginning to ruthlessly eliminate all opposition by any means necessary.

    But MAGA is American. Surely Americans wouldn’t take it as far as the original Nazis, would they?

    Unless thats been the plan all along, and expanding Gitmo to include a facility to incarcerate 30,000 people seems to confirm that.

      4 days ago

      Blitzkrieg is not a Nazi strategy Germany had already been fighting WWI like that, or at least tried its hardest to do that, they used the term Bewegungskrieg (manoeuvre warfare) to contrast Stellungskrieg (trench warfare), that’s all there is to it. The German preference for decisive battles over wars of attrition dates back to at least Moltke the Elder, whence also Auftragstaktik (mission command) and “no plan survives first contact with the enemy”.

      Then, the Nazis were way more deliberate and careful when taking over state institutions. And yes they did care about popular opinion that’s why they e.g. switched over to nabbing Jews in quiet instead of publicly making a show out of it didn’t play well with the population. Trump with Nazi strategy would be saying “We’ll re-take Cuba, get rid of socialism, and turn it into a beach resort and every American will be able to go to state-sponsored holidays there”. Like this, but bigger.

      It’s kinda weird to say this as a German but when I look at other countries’ fascists they’re a clownshow. Nazis of course are also self-destructive, fascism inherently is, but there’s a fierce edge of competency in their madness.

      That Signal leak? Under the Nazis, heads would be rolling, they would have no qualms bending actual incompetence into high treason to make an example to enforce discipline.

      4 days ago

      which includes the Nazi strategy of Blitzkrieg

      I mean, that was a Nazi war strategy, not how they consolidated power.

      The difference is that Nazis didn’t care that the citizens might oppose them, because they were fully prepared from the beginning to ruthlessly eliminate all opposition by any means necessary.

      Sure but they absolutely understood that necessitated plausible deniability; every further reach of power had a cover. There’s a reason the suspending of civil liberties only jumped to effect under the cover of the Reichstag fire (and Hitler finally moving to remove Röhm was to appease army and business leaders, because he needed their support) or that Hitler waited until Hindenburg passed before finally assuming complete power.

        4 days ago

        You make some excellent points, and the Nazis took a few years to get to their very worst policies. The roots of the Final Solution started around 1936, when they first embarked on a program to euthanize mentally and physically handicapped citizens.

        Yet the Nazis’ first moves upon taking power happened very quickly, such as the Enabling Act, which consolidated power in Hitler’s hands (HitlerPig actually did the same thing sooner than Hitler did). The Nazis used a blitzkrieg strategy on their own government, before they employed it as a battle strategy, and the MAGANazi’s are doing the same thing.

        Sure, the Nazis didn’t do everything, everywhere, all at once, mostly because it all takes time. Today, with the Internet and social media, it can happen a lot faster. HitlerPig is moving fast, but they still have strategies and policies that they will release over time, because even with the Internet, some stuff still takes time. If you want to detain massive numbers of the opposition, you need a place to hold them, so they have to wait until their 30,000 inmate facility in Guantanamo Bay is finished.