I feel like this season of Invincible has been filler… Don’t get me wrong, the show is awesome, but it just feels like the plot hasn’t advanced at all this season
The animation quality dip this season has been especially noticeable, hell they have a couple scenes where it’s static talking for several minutes (looking at you pancake scene) and nobody’s moving. It’s been that way since the beginning, but it’s getting really old after seeing what shows like X-Men 97 can pull off.
It’s a bit disappointing… The show was building up steam for 2 seasons, now season 3 is bringing it grinding to a halt on multiple different levels.
I was hoping the invincible war would be more of a thing but what we got was still great.
I… ugh. I want to enjoy Invincible, but the show is soooo flat. I don’t know if it’s an art style thing, or narrative, or voice work, but I’ve got zero emotional connection to any of these characters. I think it’s the direction, specifically the storyboarding and pacing. You don’t get quiet moments with the characters feeling feelings. Every little bit you get is just enough to drive the plot forward, and it’s over as quickly as possible to jump back to plot, exposition and action. Jason Mantzoukas has a terrific voice and outstanding comic timing, so I feel like he has the chops to pull off a good redemption arc (like they tried to this season), but the character never felt endearing, ever. He never got a chance to make that character feel truly lived-in. Maybe it’s the demonstration of struggling with consequences that’s missing.
Compare all this to Bojack Horseman. That show has no shortage of plot, but you FEEL everything those characters are going through. And it’s rough. When good things and bad things happen to those characters, you feel it. Elation for small victories, churning guts for unearned evasion of consequences.
I haven’t read the Kirkman books, but I know how he likes to play with plot vs audience expectations, and Walking Dead was 100% about “and now what…?” consequences. Are the vibes that the show is serving just not pulling off something subtle that the comic manages to achieve?
Fair enough, I think I see your point. But it’s not that kind of show. I actually don’t want to watch a lot of character feeling feelings (at least not in this show), and just can’t wait for the next fight or a new twist. I haven’t watched Bojack, but I’m sure it’s priorities are much more on character development.
Meanwhile I cannot stand Bojack exactly for the same reasons you have said.
Yeah a wall of text for “your show bad my show good”
Which would be fair if they were in any way comparable.
I’m still trying to process the last two episodes of Invincible. I haven’t been this mad about how good the storytelling is since The Red Wedding.
“My entire fucking body.”
Great episodea. Great show.
Anyone know an online source (paid or otherwise) to read the comics?
I liked the episode! In a “well their sucks for everyone” kinda way
Could this community have a spoiler policy please? This episode is 4 days old and I’ve been busy. I would rather have not seen this before I watched the episode
This is an unfortunate limitation of Lemmy that doesn’t appear to have any really solution coming in the near future. I don’t consider marking it as NSFW as an appropriate solution (open to discussion about this).
I let it through because personally I view it as a very minor spoiler from a couple of out of context frames. In my mind it’s less of a spoiler than an episode synopsis. Of course that’s just my opinion and some people despise synopsis as well. If the majority here feels that a post like this should be deleted or marked as NSFW then I’m fine with that. Please feel free to make a meta post about it here and the community can discuss what does or doesn’t constitute spoilers and how to best approach image spoilers. There might also be additional solutions that I am unaware of.
Sadly, We don’t have a spoliler tag on Lemmy
Sure but we have NSFW tags that hide images. You could just use a [spoiler] tag and then flair it NSFW
I have NSFW Turned off and other users too. They will not be able to see this post.
Yeah but if someone has a filter turned off that’s their own problem. NSFW filter until spoiler is added sounds like a perfectly good compromise and is what most sites did before they added spoiler tags.