American Dr Mark Perlmutter, who has volunteered in Gaza, says one of his Palestinian colleagues was taken by Israeli occupation forces, had his fingers shattered and was told to confess to being a member of Hamas or have his wife gang raped in front of him.
Soldiers ‘crushed’ his fingers, Perlmutter explains, adding that they also threatened to ‘send a drone to your bedroom window and incinerate your children.’ The doctor did not confess and spent 11 months being tortured in Israeli detention.
Even the allies didn’t deny Germany had a right to exist just its then leadership and most individually culpable
Except that the Nazi nation state no longer existed after World War two. It was dismantled and replaced with a new one, it wasn’t even contiguous it was carved up and divvied out to allies who had different ideas about what the new state should look like. The Nazi state didn’t have a right to exist, and neither does any nation state. They’re just legal constructs and should be discarded when they are harmful.
This division was a mistake we undid ultimately and their is continuity between pre ww2 Germany, nazi Germany, and present day Germany is many or even most respects.
We punished its leaders and some of the worst criminals. We did not declare the state which included millions of people to simply not exist render its land to France and drive millions into the sea or extermination.
Its people have every right to remain.
Hey man what happened to Germany and specifically Berlin after the war? Just checking
It didn’t cease to exist nor were its people required to sonehow all flee to France
That’s not what I asked I asked what happened, not what didn’t happen.