Only people from Chicago give a shit about what other people put on their hot dogs.
New Yorkers don’t give a shit.
well the dodger dog is the superior hot dog. raw white onion, pickle relish, ketchup, mustard. perfection
That’s just like…a normal hotdog. You might as well call it a Rockies Dog or a Diamondbacks Dog. At least a Chicago Dog is a fairly unique thing you couldn’t accidentally confuse with someone just putting toppings on a dog like normal.
Ok i was confusing a chicago dog with something else… that looks pretty wild.
just to say though, a dodger dog is my preferred way of topping a hot dog, its interesting that you just think of it as normal
Chicago dog is a freaking salad on a bun.
Dodger dogs are the biggest hypocrites. They’ll say they don’t use mustard but then hide ketchup in the bun and blame their translator when they get caught.
They also cheat and then whine about other hotdogs cheating, and then continue to blame them for their own failures, even years after the fact.
Oh wait, I guess that last part is New York dogs too.
What do they normally put on hot dogs in NY?
I put BBQ sauce and green olives. How about you?
Mayo obviously
I would think. Everything is better with mayo.
No but really, what did he do to upset johnny law?
If you want a serious answer, it was staged
The “leftist spoof” in question if you’re curious LMAO
And the original original with the involved hot dog vendor
I was looking for a serious answer, so thanks. Good to know it was all in fun.
So the “reality” is the opposite, he was arrested for not putting ketchup on the hotdog!
You read the title.
was it brown