Lol, sorry to sound desperate, but I’ve just realized a few days ago that my Reddit account has been locked for weeks and I can’t seem to unlock it, despite following the posted instructions.
I was starting to notice that no one was responding to my comments, and none of my posts were getting comments and upvotes, so I went digging into my inbox and found the notice that the account had been locked because of “suspicious activity”. (I’ve been moving away from Gmail, so I think I changed the email address on the account, probably more than once in the same week. That’s my best guess as to what they considered “suspicious”.)
And of course support is non-existent and unresponsive. I guess this is a “shadow ban”? I feel like a spirit haunting Reddit, watching everything from the outside and trying my best to break through and be heard, but to no avail. :lolsob:
I can’t decide if I want to just delete the account, ditch 6 years of history, and start over? (My cake day was coming up in April too!) Or just hang on a little longer and hope more people make their way over here?
Oh hell yeah I’ve missed this community
Hello! Baby witch from Reddit here! I was so happy to find a witchesvspatriarchy community here :]
I had this exact issue with reddit, they locked it for “safety” due to inactivity. I couldn’t get it back. That was so… fishy. But I made a new acc and got a warning for calling elon nazi, I guess (I asked and got a canned response).
What I’m saying is - reddit is not worth it anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if it became the new twitter.
Woah. It’s been a while since I was on reddit. You get a warning for calling elon a nazi? That is a wildddddd level of politically-inspired moderation
It really is as bad as that. If you check the reddit community here you’ll see some jaw drop stuff
Yeah, I called him a nazi and got a warning for promoting violence. Asked mods where’s the issue and got canned response that didn’t help at all. Thoigh this could have been a mistake, but now I’m not so sure.
My bf recently got a three day ban for saying he was against people being enlisted against their will.
There’s something going on there.
Yeah the rich are gearing up to force the global proletariat to slaughter each other instead of them again
Welcome to lemmy.
Agreed this place is real cozy! I can’t wait for a women-oriented instance to be launched by a smart technical witch.
When waiting for the instance, there is already ! as a community
Thanks Blaze! That’s a great recommendation ☺️
Lol, that smart technical witch might be me - I’m a systems engineer by trade, I just haven’t had any free time to look into standing up an instance. (I’m spending all my time protesting on the weekends!) 😂
I’d be super interested in such an instance :D. Hosting a open registration lemmy server is definitely a brave choice from a moderation standpoint though 0_0.
Please considering doing so. It would make the threadverse much more welcoming to women. It’s always good when groups can speak for themselves.
The easiest way would be to use the services Elestio and K&T Host as those providers handle the technical overhead then once you get more comfortable with the innerworkings you may transition to managing the server yourself.
I’m sure would love to help!
Yeah, you can tell if you have one of the stupid shadowbans by looking at your post (ideally in old reddit), then signing out and seeing if you can see it. If not, shadowbanned. There used to be shadowban subs that could detect it for you but they ended when reddit started charging so much for the API. You don’t have to delete the account, though, just clear your cookies and history and make a new one.