Might be a good idea to revisit and update for better grammar. Staerke sounds like strengthen rather than strong, (verb vs adj) which, if this is the case, sounds wonky. More natural would be Deutschland staerken, or starkes Deutschland. There’s a few other bits that sound unnatural also.
In the original template, it even says “stärkes Deutschland, stärkes Europa” which doesn’t make sense at all
On another note: I have to admit that the second person imperative form you critizise here - “stärke Deutschland!” - reminds me of Nazi era propaganda posters in a certain way (like “Fasse dich kurz” for short conversations on public phones - to mention one of the more harmless ones), I don’t really like it. But maybe that is just my association.
Couldn’t figure it out but perhaps that’s why i felt it’s off. Mightn’t be incorrect per se like someone else points out but not something I’d chose to caption something.
Might be a good idea to revisit and update for better grammar. Staerke sounds like strengthen rather than strong, (verb vs adj) which, if this is the case, sounds wonky. More natural would be Deutschland staerken, or starkes Deutschland. There’s a few other bits that sound unnatural also.
In the original template, it even says “stärkes Deutschland, stärkes Europa” which doesn’t make sense at all
On another note: I have to admit that the second person imperative form you critizise here - “stärke Deutschland!” - reminds me of Nazi era propaganda posters in a certain way (like “Fasse dich kurz” for short conversations on public phones - to mention one of the more harmless ones), I don’t really like it. But maybe that is just my association.
Couldn’t figure it out but perhaps that’s why i felt it’s off. Mightn’t be incorrect per se like someone else points out but not something I’d chose to caption something.