Don’t buy Louis Vuitton or anything from LVMH, this MF Bernard Arnault was at Trump’s swearing-in ceremony. Richest man in France, not paying taxes, sending goons to
intimateintimidate journalists and supporting right wing politicians. This is the enemy from within.Definitely needs Paulaner on the drinks list. It’s the best Spezi you can get (and thus a good Mezzo Mix alternative).
Then again, Spezi apparently is rarely a thing outside of Germany, and the Germans already know that the Coca Cola Spezi is not the best one, soooo…
They have Lemonade, too?
Maps: also 🇳🇱 Magic Earth, 🇪🇪 Organic Maps. Both based on Openstreetmap, the collaborative open source map.
This is good
Peertube at the moment is complete trash
It’s unattractive because it’s empty, its empty because its unattractive. This vicious circle must be broken!
But of course this will take longer because there is no money for content creators.
Being German, I’ve just made an account at
Interesting video: “Rück-/Ausblick” - Integrationsarbeit damals, heute und in Zukunft, 1. Folge: Norbert Scharbach
Might be a good idea to revisit and update for better grammar. Staerke sounds like strengthen rather than strong, (verb vs adj) which, if this is the case, sounds wonky. More natural would be Deutschland staerken, or starkes Deutschland. There’s a few other bits that sound unnatural also.
In the original template, it even says “stärkes Deutschland, stärkes Europa” which doesn’t make sense at all
On another note: I have to admit that the second person imperative form you critizise here - “stärke Deutschland!” - reminds me of Nazi era propaganda posters in a certain way (like “Fasse dich kurz” for short conversations on public phones - to mention one of the more harmless ones), I don’t really like it. But maybe that is just my association.
Couldn’t figure it out but perhaps that’s why i felt it’s off. Mightn’t be incorrect per se like someone else points out but not something I’d chose to caption something.