I didn’t think masturbation needed the advocacy, but here we are.
I have been going to hell every day since I turned off the adult filter settings on google chrome.
Honestly if heaven is filled with people who pedal shit like that, I’ll gladly spend an eternity in fire than suffer a moment with them
I have long said that should heaven/hell be actually real heaven is just full of pearl clutchers and prudes who view “fun” as evil and the real party is in hell and all that “eternal damnation” crap is just from their viewpoint and Satan is actually a pretty chill dude lol
Me jacking off to establish a trade route with hell.
I literally finished masturbating and opened Lemmy, and this was the first post I saw. Now how do I get to hell?
“Idle hands are the devil’s plaything.”
See, if I don’t masturbate and let my hands be idle, that’s when Satan will get me. I’m jerking off to save my soul!
Rip and tear
I wish
Ugh. It won’t let me copy that hell yeah
your bed will explode
They look like a nice couple
My office chair is also in hell.
Hence the expression, “to ring the devil’s doorbell.”