Lol nothing says we are afraid of the working class like banning subreddits on suppressed news they don’t want us to see. I came here bc I got a warning on my account for liking a comment that said “Luigi”. My alt account got banned for sharing the DOGE email list that is public info. Fuck Reddit. I’m done.
I got permanently banned off Reddit during the whole Luigi thing, I didn’t say anything bad I just supported what he did, next thing I know I’m banned
Yeah, I got a 7-day ban for ‘encouraging violence’, when all I said was that Luigi didn’t deserve to go to jail for what he did. I appealed, my account was restored, but not before being (as of now, I literally just noticed this) permanently-banned for ‘multiple, repeated violations of Reddit’s Content Policy on your other account(s).’ I have had only one account on Reddit for 14 years, I don’t even make throwaways, so it seems like they’re really scraping for excuses. What’s hilarious is that my account was reinstated 3 hours ago from the appeal for teh temp-ban, but the perma-ban came 11 hours ago, so they perma-banned me then lifted the temp-ban. Thanks, guys. :P I’m going to appeal it just to see what their response is, but fuck 'em.
I feel for you. It takes hours to curate your mute and subscribe lists, it’s not worth creating a new account if you’re an OG user like us and didn’t export any data (is it even possible?). Soon it will be bots commenting to other bots, maybe Zuckerberg will buy it then.
I don’t care. Reddit banned me like 4 years ago for stating that “If you have the opportunity to punch a Nazi, you should always punch the Nazi.”
Fuck nazis, but I kind of get it. It is also illegal to call for violence in a lot of countries, even if someone deserves it.
I got a 6 day ban from reddit for saying Kevin OLeary is a traitor to Canada.
I deleted my account. My first reddit account (using the username you see here) was permabanned due to me saying that Lebanese people don’t blame Israel for all their problems… just the problems they deserve blame for.
I just got my 3 day ban under bullshit reasons. Reddit is now a place of tyranny and fascism.
I just got a “strong warning” for saying that Trump should’ve been punished for his crimes and for hoping that Elon happens to fall unto a Ukrainian guy’s fist…
Apparently they don’t condone that, but anything related to MAGA and “libtards” is perfectly fine
I realized that as long as you are for state sponsored violence it is totally okay on Reddit. You can say I hope Russia stomps Ukraine’s out of existence but you cannot support violence by a non state actor.
Exactly. State-sponsored murder is thumbs up, but hoping someone slaps a megalomaniac, fascist, wanna-take-over-the-world, drug-addicted maniac is way over the line.
I just got banned for saying starlink to be not trusted as coms for military ops.
I have a feeling someone from right wing has bought a huge stake and they have exerted pressure on the management to mute all anti establishment discussions.
Everytime they just use the rule: comment should be civil, which is freaking left to their interpretation. Below is what I wrote.
I would not use starlink for any of my coms. These mofos may have given Russia intercept ability and location tracking.
I’m pretty sure its their oligarch bro overlords attempting to purge the AI training dataset of any opinions they don’t like.
I’ve stopped fighting for my shadow-banned account on Reddit. It’s a month old now, they’ve been ignoring it. And for weeks I’ve only checked reddit but never bothered logging in and never bother trying to fight anymore. I’ve been on Reddit as far back as, I want to say, 2012? And I’ve been banned over 30+ times under many alts, getting into fights with some of the dumbest fuckers on Reddit possible. But there also were times where I had tried partaking in positive manners, but the Reddit ecosystem just wasn’t having it with people like that.
I’ve been seeing so many honest people make innocent posts and just getting fucked with. And those people are finding themselves banned as well, not just me. So it’s just simply not worth it anymore trying with a system like that, that’s been building itself into it’s own authoritarian atmosphere.
Same, but at least you can have an account? I got the perma for the stupidest reason possible and I can’t use the site. Somehow the system always figures out it’s me. I would probably have to get a new computer IP and phone.
For context I have (had) an alt account that was banned from r/news years ago. I read the frontpage exclusively. r/news shows up there a lot. I forgot about this alt account and commented there. Then a few months after that ban I did the same thing.
I am clearly a despicable human being and shouldn’t be allowed to use the only universal forum humans currently have.
VPN. Or just use Lemmy.
Doesn’t work. They shadow ban your new account until they figure out where you are.
Welcome to all lemmigrants !
It’s Suppressed_News? Not SuppressedNews afaik?
Here’s a ⭐️
Finally left for good. Place is so far removed from the principles it was founded on. Guess I’ll be here a lot more… but hopefully spending less time doom scrolling in general.
got banned for telling a trump supporter to go fuck himself after he joked about the 51st state among other things, im canadian. also i upvoted luigi content and got permanently banned. not just one email, but all connected emails as well.
im out. that place is a censored shithole. fuck reddit. i hope they ban all the real ones so they come here.
Although there are a lot of sane and humane people on reddit, it is ultimately part of the machine now. It cannot be trusted to remain unbiased any longer.
Yep, I got a frikking lifetime IP ban a few months back for saying “Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell” in r/politics - apparently some fanboy decided that was “inciting violence”. Fuck Reddit, happy to be part of Lemmy.
I am here because of unjustified bans as well. The mods over there are power tripping as hell.
Reddit is compromised.
I’m done as well. Fuck them.
Man the censorship is just vile too. It’s not like “Oh this incites violence” it’s “anything and everything that we and our shareholders don’t agree on is gone”.
Worst part is if any other countries went after them then they would just restrict it to US news.
They are Streisand effecting the information though because the more they censor, the more people will talk about it. There’s already been a news article published by The Verge. It’s going to backfire so badly lmao.
Classic capitalist gotcha. Turns out that prioritizing shareholders (a 3rd party leech entity unrelated to the operations or customers) is always going to lead to censorship. Like the generic “shareholder” needs stable status quo to figure out how to exploit the poors in most efficient way and violent revolt doesn’t guarantee a higher than inflation result. Modern capitalism in America is straight up a mental disorder similar to hoarding. You don’t need the money nor the stock but you’re willing to fuck over literally thousands of people for a minor gain. It should be studied … but studying this doesn’t help the bottom line so fuck any progress it’s death and destruction for %% daily return. Fuck all this
Reddit has been compromised for a while now. 2016 opened them up. The API fiasco blew the door down. r/place exposed it and exploited Reddit for what it is. And we’re now seeing the new course of direction continue.
How did r/place expose anything?
Doesnt that kinda go against the whole point of r/place? Kinda fuckin stupid
Like many, I got kicked out of Reddit. Mainly because Russian, Chonese or religious trolls with a thin skin, but recently I think cause they don’t like too much anti-systemic statements.
Anyway. I would like to keep an account in order to follow the s/BuyFromEU and try to advocate for Lemmy and other decentrilized platforms.
Does someone knows what Reddit gets for info about a user? I mean what exactly they see about my IP address, cookies, devices etc?
i have been reporting those RU trolls every chance i get, but everytime you report, it puts on the radar for “abusing the report button”
Yeah, I don’t want to waste too much time around them. I preferred to move further to this place, BS or Mastodon.
Reddit rules are kinda good thing, but instead of prevent exploitation from trolls and bots, it prevent the use from normal persons. Quite useless then.
What reddit does is it attaches a cookie to your browser that associates your IP/emails with your current IP, then ANY login you make will get flagged and you will either be immediately banned for ban-evasion or you will be shadowbanned and nothing you submit will ever be seen.
To get around this, you have to purge ALL your cookies and browsing history associated with reddit on all your browsers going back to the start of time. Then if you have a regular broadband connection through a normal ISP (cable, DSL, anything that goes through a router/modem in your house) then you likely have a dynamic IP that resets regularly. Unplug your router for a few minutes, then plug it back in. This will reset your IP.
Next, you need to make a new Email, and it can’t be a “disposable” email either, many of the free email services out there will be immediately flagged and shadowbanned by reddit. Gmail seems to work fine, so far Google doesn’t seem to share the phone-number you use to verify your new gmail address so until they do, you can use gmail. I haven’t tested others. Use this new email to register a new account, make a few throwaway comments on some subreddit like /r/memes or one you know that doesn’t block new users. Establish a little bit of normal comment history and then within 24 hours you should have full visibility and access again.
There are a lot of hazards now though. If you ever log into reddit while using a VPN, you will get your ass shadowbanned permanently and you will have to do all the above steps over again. You can also get shadowbanned for almost any kind of political contention depending on what community or combination of communities you visit. They do have bots that monitor users and will try to assume what your agenda is by where you post.
If you or anyone is reading down this far and saying “why the FUCK would I want to go through this much hassle to chat on reddit” then you’ve figured out what their plan is. They don’t want human users. As it is, about 1/4 to as high as half the users on many subreddits are already simulated, having simulated conversations and chatting in ways that seem completely human, even using timely cultural references and populist talking points.
If they can replace all the users with bots, they can simulate what “normal reality” is for any particular group, fed specific communities and content as determined by the algorithm, and then someone just needs to adjust the dials a little to turn that simulated conversation into a sales pitch, a political endorsement, a call to action or a call to inaction. Once you look at reddit chat through this lense it becomes a lot more sinister and you realize just how vulnerable we are to this kind of social manipulation.
the amount of comment removal and banning, is they are gearing it forever a right wing takeover, and only push “look at this leftist content, it so stupid” much like how youtube try to seem like its a both side issue. i pointed out so many times that “progressive, anti-establish” content are censored far more than anything on the right., in most social media and MSM. lets look at MSM propaganda/movies: movies like top gun has encouraged more enlistments, and copaganda show with generic actors is to to make cops look good, goes the same with MD, and firefighter dramas.
i know those methods you mention to ban evade, but reddit catches on those pretty quickly too, im in a forum where they multiple paid proxies, or browsers to do it. this only if you have been using 100s of accounts though. prior to pandemic i made accts using a library comp, so it allowed me to evade some reddit filters for a while.
its already telling if reddit will ban you for discussing reddit bans too.
Please dont lump in doctors and firefighters with cops and the military.
from the way MSM is producing these shows, its too make cops and military look good with the propaganda. i agree i shouldnt lump it in with them, but it is werd they have thse generic shows about them when they are already talked in a positive light? copaganda and militaryganda is different.
I mean, traditionally those are all professions associated with heroes, and people love a good hero.
After 12 years and over 900K Karma, I got permanently banned for repeating an opinion that I’ve posted many times over the past decade. Then Trump gets elected, and the exact same opinion gets me a permaban.
Now I’m hearing that they are banning people for UPVOTES! I wondered why Reddit had decided to throw in with the Nazis, and I this week I see in the news that Ohanion wants to buy TikTok. The new owner of TikTok will be personally chosen by HitlerPig, so Zuckerfuck has been kissing up, and now Ohanion wants in on it. HitlerPig will award it to whomever kisses his ass and pays him the most.
I’m here because I replied to “let’s not give them an inch” with “let’s give them 9mm” and was permanently banned from politics, no recourse. That’s the most left leaning sub on the website.
When they took API access away I was pissed but I stayed. But taking away my free speech, seriously? They can go fuck themselves.
When they took API access away I was pissed but I stayed. But taking away my free speech, seriously?
I guess you didn’t hear how they were taking down Reddit alternative posts during the API debacle. They were already crossing the line then.
Truthfully, I didn’t switch until recently because it didn’t affect me directly. I eat meat and I know it’s bad too. But now it’s just too inconvenient to use and almost no benefit compared to Lemmy. Literally even my local city is a community here.
But do you think ‘nine millimeters’ would have passed?
I could have said “let’s give them 0.354 inches” but why bother. I did that for a few days but going on Reddit is the same as supporting them.
Quality perspective.