Kitty is probably the best terminal emulator I’ve ever tried out… It even made me drop Tmux as multiplexer on my stupid Mac !
I only have basic use case right now, nothing complex but customization seems way above others.
The full OSC52 integration with micro for copy/past over SSH and taking up the terminal clipboard was also a game changer (nearly dropped micro because of this…)
I only scratched the surface and have only basic usage and still I can’t believe one single person is behind this project (I think?).
I like it mainly because of the image protocol and supporting both x11 and wayland. I still have alacritty installed as well because i like how damn fast it is. If alacritty had proper image support i’d probably only be using alacritty, but they are both great terminal emulators.
I recently switched from alacritty to ghostty as I wanted image support as ghostty implements the kitty protocol for it. Ghostty seems as fast as alacrity to me, but with better support. It even has a tmux type replacement, although I haven’t used it as I don’t need it with sway doing that for me.
Ghostty is fast? It takes like 2 full seconds to open and I’m not even exaggerating. Kitty, Alacritty and foot take only a few microseconds to launch. I feel the same in regards to Alacritty, I’d use it as default if it had image support. For now I’m using foot.
Something wrong there, Ghostty is just as quick for me. Are you using an older PC?
Both load for me in milliseconds, even with fastfetch stuck in my startup.
Don’t know about old but definitely not slow. My PC has a ryzen 5 3600 and RTX 3060. All terminals have a fast startup time except for Ghostty.
ryzen 5 3600
Yeah thats what I would call old now, lol.
There is 100% something wrong with your Ghostty.
Heres a shitty gif I made to show you how fast Ghostty, Alacritty and Konsole is on my PC, all way less than a second and I am running a ton of background crap including different 4k animated wallpapers. Gif
That’s not old, definitely not for a terminal atleast.
Images in the terminal? At that point you’re just reinventing the GUI.
How am I supposed to get previews working in Yazi then? It’s not 1969 anymore. If you don’t like it stay on tty. shows an example of rendered text.
Glad to hear about the “opt in”.
Partially blind guy here who struggles to use computers these days because EVERYTHING IS FREAKING TEENY TINY TEXT YOU CAN’T CHANGE ESPECIALLY MOBILE AAAAAH IT HURTS.
Yes I’m a bit bitter :)
Another thing is that this standard does not allow setting an absolute size… you can only use fractions, for example, 2/3 of normal size, which can still be relatively big if your normal size is big.
I also expect making things bigger for emphasis (or adding headings) would likely be more common than making them smaller (that’s what I hope at least). Outside of things like mathematical notation where superscript/subscript might be useful (see this comment for some examples).
The problem with the web is that some websites use absolute units that might not scale well (like
) to define the sizes.Dude. Reading package labels is the same for me. I end up having to take a picture with my phone, then zooming in.
I have my PC screen size zoomed in to 125%.
Getting old sucks.