Wish they’d stop building these to bend in, and build them to curve out on the edges. Let me attach it to my forearm, and then flatten it out when removed for something more intensive.
Would love a smartwatch/phone hybrid. Better yet, give me a screenless brick I can put in my bag or pocket to handle non-display tasks in order to slim down the wearable.
All I can think is that’s gonna look like sandpaper after a month. It would scratch so easily.
Moreso than current smartwatches, or phones going in and out of people’s bags & pockets all day?
Yup, flexible screens are super soft and get damaged really easily.
Yes. Foldable screens don’t use the same kind of glass that non-foldable screens are made of. It’s much softer, and so it scratches more easily. I have a foldable phone without a screen protector, and the part of the phone my fingers touch, as well as the hinge, are noticably courser and covered in scratches.
It could be the best gadget in Earth and I still wouldn’t buy anything made by Samsung.
Their reputation is awful. Appliances and their televisions.
As someone who owns a Fold, do not buy this thing.
Why? Also a fold owner
The screen will still eventually fail once the screen protector eventually fails.
The physics behind the screen failing is due to the screen itself interacting with a detaching screen protector that forces the screen into a herringbone pattern. Unless you get lucky to carefully avoid this from happening, once the screen is in this shape, the crease that kills it is inevitable as the screen tries to straighten out to fold back closed. Because this thin film screen protector is still a requirement of these flexible screens, the moment they begin to detach and you’re past warrantee, your device is soon to be a fancy paper weight unless you want to connect it to another monitor for the rest of its lifetime.
Unless you’re expecting to replace the device after the warrantee runs out and the screen fails once again, it’s still doomed from the start.
Post warrantee screen replacement for this device is still $600+. Samsung has not reduced the price on their flexible OLED screens even though these devices have existed and been sold to consumers for years now.
I still have my Flip 3, and the protector on it fell off years ago. Yeah, it’s pretty scratched, but it still works great.
Ah lucky, did the entire screen protector detach all in one go? The biggest concern here is if it happens to partially detach only along the middle folding part, while remaining completely attached across the flat parts of the screen.
It started in the middle, actually. Eventually I got sick of it and just took it off.
If that is the case, then I wonder if that (as ridiculous as it sounds) might actually be a good preventative measure. At least for when the thing begins detaching from the middle. Do you use yours with a stylus? Does the stylus tip damage the unprotected screen any?
I don’t think the Flip or Fold models support a stylus, but I imagine it would be hard on it.
That d pad and those face buttons can go fuck themselves off a cliff.
i do hate the hole-rim button concept
it’s like left and right anuses…
As a recent enjoyer of Taco Wednesday, I could go for a left and right anus right now.
There is no reason for this to exist. You can already just use your phone with similar controllers, except designed by someone who has actually played a video game before.
The reason for this to exist is for a phone + controller combo to be pocketable. Even the most compact add-ons like Razer Kishi are not exactly that. This should be somewhat similar but integrated for the weirdos that want it.
I would walk around with a kishi shoved up my ass for storage before I would try playing a platformer using that d-pad.
I mean, it’s a prototype. Its a pretty cool concept in my opinion.
and I am absolutely here for it
Can we please banish this idiotic phrase from the internet?
Oh fuck off. Let people talk however they like.
no u
I have no trust in Samsung, I’m confident the reliability will be bad and it won’t be easy to repair.