This perfectly illustrates America’s 2-tiered justice system: one for the wealthy and one for the little people. If I torrent copyrighted material, I risk fines/jail-time. If a big corporation like meta does it, then it’s allegedly “fair use”. To be clear, what OpenAI is requesting isn’t remotely close to the original intended purpose of fair use. Worst part is that small/independent creators will (if they aren’t already) be most adversely impacted by such selective application of copyright law
This perfectly illustrates America’s 2-tiered justice system: one for the wealthy and one for the little people. If I torrent copyrighted material, I risk fines/jail-time. If a big corporation like meta does it, then it’s allegedly “fair use”. To be clear, what OpenAI is requesting isn’t remotely close to the original intended purpose of fair use. Worst part is that small/independent creators will (if they aren’t already) be most adversely impacted by such selective application of copyright law
This is exactly the intended purpose of fair use. Look up the copyright clause.
Small creators are the biggest beneficiaries of this. They would have to pay the extortionate licensing fees.