For real! Motion capture and graphics have come a long way!
Elaine ♀ | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist
🚫 No AI is used in my process
For real! Motion capture and graphics have come a long way!
Oh seat-kickers are always so annoying LMAO
Sounds like you had a great time! Where did you go?
When a female protagonist was revealed for Naughty Dog’s new game.
Worse actually. Vitamin A is easy to overdose on, it’s a fat-soluble vitamin, and people have died from vitamin A toxicity. So they now have both the risk of serious complications and/or death from measles, and the risk of serious complications and/or death from vitamin A toxicity.
Unlike vitamin C, vitamin A is fat-soluble and overdose can result in death. Vitamin A deficiency is rare in developed countries so what he’s suggesting is that people risk poisoning themselves with no proven benefit for measles.
The CDC in the past has not done a good job at quantifying the risk of vaccines — we are going to do that now
Politicians are not scientists. Scientists understand what they are not, but it would seem like politicians such as RFK Jr are struggling with this.
Aw heck yeah! Thanks for telling me this, I’ll definitely be booking it when I go there! 😃
Finding the time is more of an obstacle, but definitely New Zealand or Australia! Love flying but just thinking about the flight time is making my butt hurt haha
The fact that Elon Musk is for pardoning someone who murdered an innocent person speaks volumes. Also, I can’t see how this wouldn’t lead to riots.
I often get told I’m pretty and a trend I’ve noticed is that the tough and rough guys who are normally aggressive to most other people will become soft with me. It’s kind of surreal
I’m glad that I don’t use Reddit and have no intention on doing so. I remember there was a very talented artist who was wrongfully accused of using AI and banned on the art subreddit. That artist got banned even though receipts were shown to the mods proving the art was not AI, and I guess with this policy, I’d be at risk of being banned from Reddit altogether because I for sure would’ve upvoted the art if I did have a Reddit account, it was amazing.
The most common kind of art you’d see is art of peculiar creatures, often ones without any eyes, but with big gaping mouths with lips and teeth
Physics is my favourite subject, so I’d imagine there would be a lot more physicists around!
Usage of “Eh” at the end of a sentence will be the norm
Nobody would be able to play hockey, since I cannot ice skate to save my life
I have hyperthymia so the entire world would be having a constant episode of mild mania pretty much LMAO
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
I donate to charities, mostly ones that pertain to researching serious medical conditions that currently do not have a cure.
The one at the end of Monsters Inc with the bloopers. I wish all the other Pixar films had it, it was so much fun!
Sorry to double post, but are there any other people with hyperthymia here?
Being able to feel and taste other people’s art.
The best way I can describe it is like, if someone has a smooth artstyle with soft highlights and there’s a lot of cyan/turquoise in that art, it’ll tend to have a soft, minty texture. Even JPEG artifacts have a particular “seasoning” to me. I feel weird having to even type this LMAO
Woah…He was a literal superhero! Another interesting fact about him was he was scared of needles, but did what he did anyway. What a hero! If I was him, I’d wish that all of the people I’d saved have long, happy lives ❤️
Pretty much anything Elon Musk. I used to be an Elon Musk fangirl up until 2018, then each successive year was like the cutscene of Crash Bandicoot having all the boxes he’s missed falling on his head.
No. It makes me relieved that I am not an American. Most Americans did not vote for Trump, so I just feel sorry and genuinely worried for the majority of Americans who now have to put up with the outcome of a vocal minority’s votes for the next 4 years. People are already dying over this which is very upsetting.
There really needs to be some sort of general intelligence, emotional intelligence and common sense testing before someone can become a presidential candidate.