Ctr +f “cybertruck”: 0 results
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Ctr +f “cybertruck”: 1 result
Lol you moro…oh, okay
There’s two results now!
Pfff as if i could afford to make that mistake
Pretty much anything Elon Musk. I used to be an Elon Musk fangirl up until 2018, then each successive year was like the cutscene of Crash Bandicoot having all the boxes he’s missed falling on his head.
With 2018 you are waaaaaaay ahead of the most other people.
Maybe Linux, too lazy to swap back to windows, a lot of random stuff doesnt work or is super annoying to get working, like a material library addon I use for Blender doesn’t work for linux apparently (sanctus) and makes it so I cant render with any light in the scene so its not just the menu but the materials themselves. I was hoping at least blender would work, already had to stop pirating houdini and I couldnt get the free version to work either.
All games have been fine, but I dont just game anymore, I like making stuff and playing with 3d tools.
At least embergen seems to work, so I might transition to jangafx over houdini, can buy it monthly and I spend way too much time learning houdini (its fun af) when im likely never making money off this hobby. (cant justify 300$ a year or 2500 perpetual rnow, its an insanely fun simulation toy so it honestly might be worth that, even not making money off it) Its just annoying, I’ve spent too much time learning it, my brains crammed with Houdini specific information.
like a material library addon I use for Blender doesn’t work for linux apparently (sanctus) and makes it so I cant render with any light in the scene so its not just the menu but the materials themselves.
I don’t even know why that wouldn’t work. All my blender addons work just fine on Linux
Music. Way too many albums are that one decent song you hear on the radio and 38 minutes of filler shite, and you could never take it back to the shop to get a refund for being full of shite. So all my music is pirated first, purchased second, and anyone that objects to this is basically admitting that their industry is based on selling shite that can’t be refunded.
I bought the finger eleven CD. So, can confirm. I also bought Cult Ceremony, thinking it would be anything like Sonic Temple. This just means I don’t learn.
CGPgrey’s AI and his self driving cars videos.
Definitely made some poor choices in life due to these that I could scream into a pillow. The future is always unpredictable, and while behind the scenes I’m sure a lot happened to improve both of these technologies, more than a decade later the use cases of both are still the same - grifting investors.
I pre-ordered No Man’s Sky -_-
Now, they’ve done WAY more than any of us thought to make things right; but at the time of release, NMS was probably the single most egregious example of false advertising to hit the gaming industry, ever. Or at least within a comparable scope of visibility to the gaming community.
It wasn’t just not living up to the hype; it was purchasing a brand new Lamborghini, and receiving 2003 Honda Civic.
And no they didn’t just bite off more than they could chew - they knew what they had created; and proceeded to show demos and make promises that amounted to a completely different product. We were scammed.
…and then I guess their conscious got the better of them, cuz rather than disbanding their studio and laughing all the way to the bank like we all expected them to, they spent years at least trying to make look like the product they promised. So, credit where it’s due. But still lesson learned: never preorder a game, no matter how good the demos looks, no matter how charming their spokespeople are, no matter how closely the product they’re pitching aligns with your specific niche interests: assume it’s all complete bullshit until you’ve seen some gameplay posted by real people.
“Spore.” That video with Wil Wright showing it off was incredible. Ordered it from Amazon. CD key was no good. EA didn’t give two shits. After over a week of dealing with them via support tickets and calls, I gave up and just returned it.
Meanwhile, my friend pirated it, played through the whole thing, and said it was just ok.
How did spore make it into this list twice?
It was kinda like the launch of No Man’s Sky. Tons of hype, failure to deliver.
I would also kill for a fun engaging evolution style game. I’ve never found something I like but I gave up looking after the let down from spore. It’s actually when I stopped playing video games so many years ago. I actually pirated the game recently to see if my disappointment was unjustified so I’m happy to see it listed multiple times here. If theirs ever a great evolution strategy role playing type game that comes out I’ll try video games again but the disappointment from spore really hit me and I’d also need to see compelling gameplay from a real person to ever give one a shot again. Just typing this out makes me realize how silly it all sounds but spore was such a disappointment to me that I quit playing video games all together.
Spore :(
Everytime I see it in my library, i feel a little sad.
What’s funny is I just made another comment about it in this thread and I’m starting to feel nostalgic, but I know if I go back and play it I’ll just be disappointed again!
My feed:
Crypto. I didn’t spent a ton, but I didn’t make a ton either. I’m net up now but it’s so stupid.
I made 2K on Doge a few years ago, but ever since I’m just sitting on it. It’s not a loss unless you sell.
Stalker 2.
I didnt just buy the game once, I paid for a “collectors edition” with a bunch of physical merch that I wont see until may or june. and even briefly volunteered to be a community mod. sifting through waves of hateful filth from hostile actors within the “community”. there is a LOT of Russian incited hatred against the game because of the fact the game was Ukrainian
I got incredibly hyped for the game because I had been waiting for it since the late 2000s. watched it die and come back from the dead, and it looked awesome.
the sad reality was that it needed more time in the oven, and I dont think they had a choice. I think they were forced to release it in the state that it was because they couldnt afford another year of no sales and surviving off investors and pre-orders. so what we got was like a 7/10 and it needs a lot more work.
and the political situation in their country where as many as 1/3 of the staff still live and work, is tenious by the day, they are absolutely fighting World War III over there. and some countries are trying to stab them in the back, telling them to just go surrender and get murdered…
Can’t get it refunded now
That’s definitely a lesson
After a couple thousand hours in KSP1, I still managed to dodge that bullet. The only new feature I really cared about was multiplayer, and I knew it wasn’t going to happen when they they started early access without it.
I don’t know, the ksp redux project that a lot of the ksp2 modders are working on sounds pretty promising.
I have a bit more confidence in kitten space agency.
Not stuck anymore but I was for like a month. I bought Pretty Litter cause multiple drag queens I liked told me to do so. That is the worst goddamn litter I have EVER used in my life. The smell was horrendous, the dust was so so bad I actually couldn’t even be in the next room when my partner did the litter because of my allergies, and our house looked like a fucking beach. Fuck those people. (And shame on me for falling for goddamn ads)
An Indigogo electric bike campaign… 10 years ago. It was a scam and I lost a lot of money. Subsequently I have built 5 e-bikes on my own and do not regret it, they are wonderful. But, no crowd-funding for me, ever again. Also, I am anti pre-ordering anything in general.
Do you have any resources on how you built said five bikes? I would love to work on something like that this spring
Sure! It has been a couple years since my last build, but I found a lot of great information on a website called endless-sphere. I also only use a battery supplier called EM3EV - they fuse each cell and generally have great quality packs. Bikes-direct also has quality bike platforms for builds, including fat tire bikes.
I never fall for hype, never pre-order. life is good
I stopped watching movie trailers years ago. Now, my friends just tell me, “Go watch this movie,” and it’s made for an amazing movie-watching experience.
For example, I walked into the theater to watch The Lighthouse without knowing anything about it.
Movies are so much better when you have no idea what to expect.
Did that with star wars ep 7, 8, 9. Of course there was stuff I didn’t love but I didn’t walk away from the movie feeling robbed.
Also great when reviews don’t predetermine your expectations
Oh, no! They’ve fallen for the “don’t pre-order” hype!
Not that it was particularly hyped but I bought PS4 back in the day and just never really used it. My SO has uses it to watch netflix occasionally but that’s pretty much it. The most useless purchase I’ve ever made.