I bet you can’t say ni
Edit: Damn.
I bet you can’t say ni
Edit: Damn.
No thanks. I switched to automatic shortly after I moved to Reading where I found in all the stop start traffic I was constantly dancing the clutch fandango and heading for having a left leg like a tree trunk.
I hacked the Super Shotgun in Quake II to autorepeat quickly and take clips up to 999 large instead of 20 at a time.
Gibs the Makron in about five seconds. (No not that French geezer.)
Edit: oh yeah, I did the same with the rocket launcher too. I’m not sure which of those two is my favourite.
Math are hard but maths is harder. American math is 20% easier than English maths. And yes I have seen that “[UK flag] English (Traditional); [US flag] English (Simplified)” gag.
Do people still use google? I haven’t touched it for yonks now. Except GRIS, that still works well.
To be fair to them though, they did just get comprehensively voted out from everywhere. They don’t have a single majority to make any difference to anything. If I were them I’d be sitting back with a large bowl of popcorn going “yal’l voted for this, or at least didn’t vote against it, hope you enjoy getting the full force of this orange idiot right in the face”. But from the headlines I’ve read it would appear they’ve had a few things to say about Fart’s latest hot smelly air.
I do not approve this message.
***** ****!
R and L are different letters with different pronunciation.
Out of interest, how do you pronounce “differently”? As “diffelently”, or “differentry”?
Music. Way too many albums are that one decent song you hear on the radio and 38 minutes of filler shite, and you could never take it back to the shop to get a refund for being full of shite. So all my music is pirated first, purchased second, and anyone that objects to this is basically admitting that their industry is based on selling shite that can’t be refunded.
At this stage it’s more about proving we can organise, rather than actually denting anyone’s profits or inconveniencing ourselves. Let’s all agree not to buy anything on this one day, as a first step. Next we’ll organise not buying on two days. Then maybe a week. Then steadily ramp it up until we’re noticed and they start doing something about it.
Refusing to participate on the grounds that it isn’t the perfect solution is short-sighted.
You think you’re turning Japanese?