Everyone who believes this shit is a victim of severe brainwashing. Nobody, not even an actual mental retard, would believe what Trump and putin are saying. It’s because Trump followers are victims of brainwashing. They are mentally ill.
Everyone who believes this shit is a victim of severe brainwashing. Nobody, not even an actual mental retard, would believe what Trump and putin are saying. It’s because Trump followers are victims of brainwashing. They are mentally ill.
Words can’t describe how powerful this picture is to me.
It’s not a meme. It’s just an interesting picture. Powerful and moving. Definitely not done is disrespect.
I feel you. He’s been threatening my country for a few months. Hate the fucking piece of shit.
Oh okay I see.
All good bro. Shits tense right now
No one is forcing you to raise your prices you cunt.
Still not following
You just come off as unhinged is all. Doubt the guy you initially responded to voted for Trump and neither did I since I don’t live in that country. Neither of us are your enemy yet you treat us like it. You need to chill out and be more patient with people who you’re trying to convince of something.
I didn’t say I was okay with homelessness. I’m just saying that you are picking the wrong type of person to criticize over this. There are huge companies that own thousands of houses. Foreign companies and individuals that own hundreds. I knew a lady that had like 20 properties. Those are the people causing the problem. Not some dude who charged way lower than the normal rent and then sold a few years later. Also, nothing about what I said warranted the way you’re acting. Never insulted you once.
So given the equity to his friends?
Can you explain to me how this dude renting out his property to a friend for half price is causing homelessness?
So far all you’ve done is lash out at everyone and swear. You have no compassion. You just have anger.
He didn’t rip off his friend at all. He took just enough to pay the mortgage and save something up in case of repairs. That isn’t ripping him off. That’s doing him a favor since he charged him so little.
Privatization of shelter as in home ownership?
They rented it out to their friends for like half of what a similar place would cost. Then they sold it after their friend moved out. Not seeing how that’s so morally reprehensible. You honestly just seem like someone who is jealous of someone else and so are shitting on them to feel better. And even if they did sell, if everyone is someone they can’t afford a house, seems more likely a landlord would buy it anyway.
So what, they should just give their house away for free?
Or have bought pepe right before it went to the moon.
Can we not shit all over normal people for doing normal stuff? This dude doesn’t run Blackrock, he had a single rental property.
Probably one of the best leaders of any country.