Yes they did but they didn’t lose control of their narrative which is weak and feckless.
Weak and feckless is their brand.
Yes they did but they didn’t lose control of their narrative which is weak and feckless.
Weak and feckless is their brand.
There is a reason the main Democratic leadership is not pushing a more left leaning agenda, they would lose.
Well, they just lost by moving right.
Make an auction paddle that says “You’re useless.”
Not worth courting, evidently. But at least you got Dick Cheney.
Let me know if you ever stop accepting that as justification for continuing to do horrible shit.
If your shitty party wants less criticism, they should earn less criticism.
We could have all 100 and they would still find enough no votes.
They have no vision besides being dollar store republicans and wondering why Republican voters keep choosing Republicans over them.
While screaming at anyone to their left for not being enthusiastic to vote for dollar store republicans.
Centrists would rather lose to trump than win with a progressive. You got exactly what you wanted.
You’d rather have trump than a progressive.
A core democrat stance is removing Citizens United
And what have they done toward making that happen?
Now let’s hear how there is never any such thing as a Democratic majority.
That doesn’t absolve them of the responsibility to do their job.
Stop making excuses.
Biden Pushed for half of all new vehicles to be EV by 2030
“Push for” means “accomplish” to people who are fine without accomplishments.
Was 15 years ago. How long to you intend to continue coasting on an inadequate half-measure?
Your getaway car is on blocks.
It should have been zero. Stop making excuses.
We need 60 in the senate.
And if they ever get 60, they’ll need 70 to do anything. They’re useless on purpose and you’re making excuses for them.
People generally don’t say “Nazis are bad” whenever they talk about WWII, because it’s implied by them being Nazis.
Why don’t you have anything good to say about Neville Chamberlain, Vidkun Quisling, or Philippe Pétain?!
Worse infrastructure is laughable
Do you seriously want to tell me that the PSL has worse infrastructure than the green party?
their entire party infrastructure makes it so that bad faith actors don’t undermine their goals
Their entire party is bad faith actors. They’re a tiny party with even tinier primaries, and unlike democrats, they actually have primaries.
Proper barnstorming.