More than 10,000 people turned out for a rally with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt), in Warren as part of his national “Fighting Oligarchy” tour.
It’s interesting to watch this, and while Bernie is slightly left to my values, how come this octogenarian gets it and the rest of the party doesn’t? I’m just amazed that some democrats interpret this as “let’s align with MAGA” a little more, instead of calling those “right wing radicalists”. The future of Dems is to be the anti-oligarchy party. While I understand how risky this may be as unlimited dark money pouring in can tilt things, but people still have the power if they unite.
If Bernie fucking Sanders is too far left for you then you’re definitely part of the problem
It’s interesting to watch this, and while Bernie is slightly left to my values, how come this octogenarian gets it and the rest of the party doesn’t?
Which party? The Democrats? He’s not part of them since they crushed him and his followers in 2016, preferring to back H.Clinton to a stunning loss against Trump.
They don’t get it because they are also a party more interested in supporting oligarchs than the working person. They still think that Trump beat them through disinformation, when it was really that they lost because their track record since Carter has been to back big business over the needs of the common people. Clinton and Obama should have been ripping up Regan’s / Bush’s legacy, but they just tweaked it. All Trump did was speak to that, even though he had no intention of doing anything about it.
Proper barnstorming.
This is the way.
When is Harris’ anti-oligarchy rally? Obama’s? LOL, Pelosi’s? Why the fuck does this one guy who should be retiring on a beach somewhere have to keep dragging the entire Democratic party? I love Bernie, but it’s beyond pathetic that after all these years it’s still his job.
Because none of those other people want to. The only reason they even allow Bernie to do as much as he does is to placate progressive liberals, if they didn’t folks might start figuring out that reform doesn’t work.
In all fairness, Harris’s political ambitions are over. She lost to Trump, she should probably just stay out of politics now.
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Opposition party doesn’t get to sleep when they are the minority or voted out. It’s their job to rally and agitate. That they do not means they are actually okay with what is happening
Yes, so now they’ve lost they just tell the country “Fuck you. Told you so!”.
GP is asking why have they stopped fighting.
It’s astounding how thoroughly the Democrats have convinced you that absolutely nothing is ever their fault. They are just fellow victims of a declining society that they had absolutely no hand in creating. Unbelievable.
It wasn’t just the establishment issuing warnings. The left has been telling the Democratic establishment for decades that they were leading us here, even before we knew his name would be Trump. Neoliberals disregarded the flashing danger signs over and over again.
Where we are now isn’t because of a single election. Do you think the Democrats were going to win every election forever? Do you think the Republicans were going to get any nicer? This war has been raging for over 50 years and you’re obsessing over one battle. Kamala and the rest of the establishment earned this outcome.
They already did their part
If by “their part” you mean throw away the most winnable presidential election in history by sticking to pro-corporate party orthodoxy from 1992 in spite of two thirds of their base imploring them not to, then yes. They sure did their part.
Not worth courting, evidently. But at least you got Dick Cheney.
Based Shawn fein