It’s the next chapter, but it’s always been where the story was going. The oligarchy has been running things since at least Reagan. Now the mask is off. Now it’s reaching the suburbs. You think being under the thumb of the rich and powerful is a new experience in America? Check your privilege.
It’s astounding how thoroughly the Democrats have convinced you that absolutely nothing is ever their fault. They are just fellow victims of a declining society that they had absolutely no hand in creating. Unbelievable.
It wasn’t just the establishment issuing warnings. The left has been telling the Democratic establishment for decades that they were leading us here, even before we knew his name would be Trump. Neoliberals disregarded the flashing danger signs over and over again.
Where we are now isn’t because of a single election. Do you think the Democrats were going to win every election forever? Do you think the Republicans were going to get any nicer? This war has been raging for over 50 years and you’re obsessing over one battle. Kamala and the rest of the establishment earned this outcome.