My friend has Arbiter currently as his Steam PFP, and we both said if we do another run through a campaign soon we need to find him an Arbiter mod
I’m in the same boat. I gott just to the end on launch and then stopped. I hope to finish it this time, because it’s a really fun game
The fishing is so much fun. I’ve legit gathered a group of 4 in the past just so we can chill out and fish
I did the exact opposite lol. Usually I’m a stealth person but Jacob got me to enjoy running around punching people and only played Evie unless I was forced
I bought the first one last year and played a bit. It gave me L.A. Noire meets lovecraft vibes
I was in exactly the same boat. It took me a while to “get” control. I think once I did playing through it became way easier
The best part was that we completely forgot it was there, so the moment we load in we get Peter running at us saying “I’m a Jehovah’s Witness”