Does sux when you cant afford to stick to your principles.
Does sux when you cant afford to stick to your principles.
How bad?
Ever see the south park episode on that?
The “Rules of Acquisition” from state that “War is good for business” (Rule 34).
Don’t search rule 34 for details.
Oh lol
Besides the fact those editors are Consolidating lengthy multiple posts and relevant Comments. Must feel like a full time job. I barely have time to just read 80% of them.
Wierd Both Links worked for me.
sometimes my connection to the community goes down but I get a warning about my instance when it happens.
This is actually what causes green plumbers causes now you have nothing left to lose.
Gives me feeling of burning the sickness out!
Well i certainly know i do now.
Alternatively, there could just be a ton of single moms. I have seen that first hand. Males on my dad side are the worst. Dozen of kids each with multiple women globally. I Doubt I’ll ever be able to meet all my half siblings. But I 100% agree that my statement is purely numbers and takes 0 consideration on human emotions. Which is typical how wars are fought. 0 regard for the peasants feelings.
“Breed you dogs! I need meat for the orphan crushing machine”
They have a Gundam!
American rapper says that Elon’s ex-wife Grimes told her that Elon has a botched penis implant.
Rofl I thought he couldn’t touch a women without getting hives or something. This is karma level stuff if true.
Dude is a gene stealer cultist trying to warm the planet for the coming of the star gods.
Lol I like to toot that trump should deal with all these illegal immigrants by offering state hood to their countries but he won’t. Why? Color scale.
Kill 1 person its a tragedy, Kill 10000 its a statistic.
I can’t throw the cart into the corral and see if I can make them stick together inside the store.
From a repop level men are more desposible than women. Which is funny cause women are second class citizens often. To clarify, 1 woman can only produce on avg 1 child per year. While a man can do far more than that. So if male pop dropped from a wierd disease or war its recoverable. Not ideal obviously from a genetic level but far better than if women population got cut in half. That would cause tons of problems.
Knew 2 guys that just hated Trans ppl more than anything
I need to make a meme with how we thought nurgle followers look versus what they actually look like. The fact he has a brain worm really lines up.