Discord: @azalty
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/azalty/
Trop de gens de gauche sur cette instance, mais bon, on fait avec… (c’est un test pour voir si on se fait censurer aussi facilement que sur mastodon !)
That’s funny, went from a pro privacy email host to Notion which likes to collect data from you 😵
Could be the case I guess. I’d still blame the developers, I would imagine Denuvo has some type of support & docs to help prevent these issues, as in the end it hurts their business.
I believe Ubisoft also have their own DRM on top but it can be bypassed. Still, annoying stuff.
It’s the developers’ fault, but it’s caused by Denuvo, if that’s what you meant.
Denuvo itself, if correctly implemented, has minimal impact. The thing is most games call it too often or wrongly implements it, which slow things down considerably.
Yea, that’s the thing that scares me