Or maybe I haven’t just seen this image yet? I’ve only gotten images where she seems to be wearing a grey jacket.
Worried how unusable this place will be if real spammers find their way here
Damn I didn’t get one with the new outfit yet :(
I really hope Nicole just becomes a huge fediverse meme
I just got this exact DM over night. Never heard of the nicole before. Is she here often?
I am not missing out for once, glad to see nicole in chat room hell
I got 4 nicole messages, beat that
i only got like 3
I was hit too just now.
Is that a crack pipe😭
Wait…you mean we aren’t soulmates? 😭
Sorry, who is she? I keep seeing her face in memes.
My gf, back off
Sorry bro, I think she’s cheating on you.
Some spammer
Or some random image used by a spammer… Who can tell?
I still have not received a single nicole dm :(
I got my first one an hour ago, truly an honor.
Same. I vaguely remember a post from a few days ago mentioning a fediverse chick and now I finally know what it was talking about
I can forward you mine if you want
Same. I feel so left out :(
Got my one today. Finally part of the gang.
Has anyone actually bothered engaging?
I only got 1 massage from her 5months ago, now she ghosted me :(
She gives out massages? Damn, I’m missing out.
With a happy ending?
Same hete, and I am fine with that.
Off topic but what’s the name of the app you are using for Lemmy?
Lol good job, op. Sorry, I almost banned you thinking you were “her” again, trying to circumvent their own ban.
also just got a message with her new outfit
looking good, nicole :)
Do we love our girlfriend or what?
It’s a social experiment, and this thread is part of the plan.
I told her not to message strangers on the internet yesterday. I feel she might be cheating on me.