Ich finde die Aktion gut, so im Sinne des White Hat Hacking. Lieber decken sie jetzt auf, dass ein Maschendrahtzaun (🤦) keinen sinnvollen Schutz bietet als dass es in 5 Jahren ein Russe tut.
Ich finde die Aktion gut, so im Sinne des White Hat Hacking. Lieber decken sie jetzt auf, dass ein Maschendrahtzaun (🤦) keinen sinnvollen Schutz bietet als dass es in 5 Jahren ein Russe tut.
Is your ISP from a deep red US state? It loads fine for me.
she doesn’t want to because she knows it will be a difficult conversation.
That’s a lot of assuming. If we argue in her favor, then we might assume that her parents might not be the most receptive. This is a sensible assumption on her part. Any parent whose daughter is suddenly missing will be agitated. This state of mind is not conducive to a rational conversation.
So her reaction makes sense: She asks her brother whom she views as a good bearer of news to just tell their parents that she is fine, so they don’t go crazy. After they’ve calmed down, she intends to explain herself.
I think this is extraordinarily good thinking. Calling her parents immediately with the news that she’s gone will just end in a shouting contest. Not telling them at all is an undue burden on them and might have undesirable consequences like involving the police. This girl seems to do her best to have a calm talk. That’s way more than I’ve come to expect from adults.
It also checks your browsing history.
Muss es etwas geben, was einem jederzeit und immer Freude macht, wo man immer hin will, sobald man nur kann?
Reicht es nicht, wenn das Leben in Ordnung ist und nichts Schlimmes passiert und ab und zu mal was Lustiges auf Feddit passiert?
Ich finde dieses „Du hast keine Passion, deshalb bist du schlecht” Bashing nicht hilfreich.
She said she’d talk to them afterwards. The way I read it she just wants her parents to not panic because their daughter is gone. This seems reasonable to me.
The alkali metals get more strongly reactive the higher their atomic number.
I thought it was the other way around. Thanks for correcting me.
You’d need multiple people. Or a very quick upload schedule.
Why is it safer to lick Lithium than Caesium?
Radon is a gas. I’d like to see you lick that. Same for the halogens, the noble gases, nitrogen, oxygen hydrogen and probably some I forgot.
Und wo sind die Frauen nun?
Distance travelled is not the only metric by which you can judge a route. Others include:
4 × 2.97 < 11.89.
Insurance prevents people from hoarding money that they would need in case of a (personal) disaster to rebuild/repair/re-purchase their losses. If you know insurance will cover your house if it ever burns down, you spend the money, which helps the economy.
Turns out most people just want a functioning operating system and don’t need a 4d-chess mosaic of self-expression.
It’s way too slow for what it does. IRC clients from 20 years ago were able to switch between chats instantly. The user status (online, offline, etc.) is so inaccurate it might as well be random.
Ich finde nicht einmal, dass die Quetschpackung einfacher ist, wie ich mal humorvoll zu kommunizieren versuchte.