If i got to a burger place that doesn’t have condiments on the table I’m out of there.
If i got to a burger place that doesn’t have condiments on the table I’m out of there.
Yea i’ve found that I have limited tolerance for both toddlers and dogs for very similar reasons.
How many american tax dollars were wasted on this DOGE???
They’re selective about who’s protected by that rule too. I got banned for saying shit about child molesters while there was simultaneously a thread on the front page with people saying the same shit about a business executive. Those comments were still up weeks after I appealed my ban asking what the difference was. Never got an answer.
Fight back where? How? What am I supposed to be doing right now?
They’re called maps. I have several in my glove box.
At this point I’m struggling to find how staying informed even helps. The news is a constant deluge of horrible shit I can’t do anything about. I voted, I’ve already braced myself financially for what’s coming as best as I can but I suspect it won’t be enough, no one in power is doing a fucking thing to help.
Fevers over 100.4 are bad enough to seek help
That’s like… every fever I’ve ever had. I just take a dose of nyquil and sleep it off. If I die I die.
Grasshoppers too. I used to fill buckets with them as a kid. I haven’t seen more than a few in the last decade.
Damn. I figured it was just grinded up cockroaches.
NATO wouldn’t need to expand if Russia wasn’t constantly threatening their neighbors.
What is there to negotiate? If all the russians leave ukraine, ukranians will probably stop shooting them…
Yeah, all the news is just exhausting. Every day is some new bullshit from Musk/Trump flagrantly doing things to harm people and no one with any power is trying to do anything about it. People I care about have already lost their jobs and others are very concerned about their future. Trump’s supporters are hateful morons but them getting hurt too doesn’t make up for the rest of us suffering. There is a very real possibility that a lot of us never get out of the hole Musk and Trump are digging. Even if we do we’ll have lost years of our lives to them. Ridiculing people who’ve made the terrible decision to support them isn’t helping anything.
Could probably still get paid even if you’re only all-right looking.
I think we should also force chuck e cheese to perform abortions.
Maybe you could apply different tapes or something to the keys to tell them apart.