Often followed by, “I said that?”
True! Just the wild and crazy ones!
But they wore pink shirts and held up tiny auction bid signs!
B-B-But what if it’s not WiNdY aT nIgHt??
3D Checkmate!
B-B-But AuTiStIc !!!
based reply.
for the lulz!!!
It was a sophisticated drug transaction, and that play was intended to distract you.
The Dems should all wear t-shirts honoring decorum at SOTU addresses.
…slice of orange velveeta…
Where are the lies in the OP that I spread?
deleted by creator
Arty Deal.
Spelling it without help is also magic, so I hear ya.
Maybe next time try the expensive tuna instead of dogshit.
I’m stumped! What’s that covered thing behind that guy?
Some folk may embiggen them to choose another instance to better federate the federation, federally-wise speaking.