I’m surprisingly level-headed for being a walking knot of anxiety.
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I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks
Avatar by @SatyrSack@feddit.org
I did that with a GL.iNet travel router after flashing stock OpenWRT, and used it as a wireless bridge for several years. It uses relayd to bridge the Wifi station interface and Ethernet. Once you have an ethernet bridge, you can connect another AP or do whatever from there.
If you create a second wifi interface in AP mode (in addition to the station/client one connected to the upstream), you should be able to add that to the LAN bridge alongside the ethernet interfaces. That bridge will then be part of the relayd bridge, and it all should just work (should, lol. I haven’t tested that config since I only needed to turn wifi into wired ethernet with this setup).
LAN Bridge: Ethernet interfaces to be bridged to the wifi
I have both of its interfaces in this bridge, and it also has a static management IP (outside of the WLAN subnet). This management IP is a static out-of-band IP since the devices connected over ethernet won’t be able to access it’s WLAN IP (in the main LAN) to manage it. To access this IP, I just statically set an additional IP on one of the downstream ethernet client devices.
The LAN bridge is in a firewall zone called LAN.
WWAN: Wireless station interface that’s configured as a client to the AP providing upstream access. I have this configured statically, but DHCP is fine too. Firewall zone is WLAN.
WLANBRIDGE: The relayd bridge (Protocol: relay bridge). It’s interfaces are the LAN bridge and the WWAN interface.
Disregard the WGMesh parts; that’s separate and not related to the wireless bridging mode.
That’s literally state history for me, and we actually learned all about it in WV History class in 7th grade. That was decades ago, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it’s no longer taught.
The frustrating and mind boggling part is that the miners here today are now hard-right and voting in people who want to roll back conditions to what past miners fought so hard against. Like, WTF?
And we’ll pay workers in crypto!
Lol. Can we call it “scrip-to”?
We had those. They were called company towns, and you didn’t get paid in real money; you got paid in company scrip that only worked in the company store. Anyone who voluntarily gets on board with this clearly needs to read a history book; that part of our history isn’t even 100 years old yet.
Right? It’s refreshing to see a post here that’s about technology that works for us rather than yet another article about AI being shoved into more places that no one asked for or development progress updates on the Torment Nexus.
More posts like this, please.
Oh, nice! The Xiao seed, unlike the Heltec’s I have, comes with 8 MB of PSRAM which makes it suitable for acting as a store-and-forward node.
May have to pick up at least one of these since that’s one thing I’d like to add to the mesh I’m putting together.
Eh, I’d still be impressed and curious if they could also install anything else around the house.
Honest reply: I wouldn’t even be mad. That’s too hilarious / clever.
He’s a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling, but got dayum I love Bob Kelso.
Edit: Also, that’s the Ally McBeal-esque daydream sequence playing in my mind when I have to go into the office.
There are so many things about Hackman I’m just now realizing. Had no idea he was that old (95), was suffering from Alzheimer’s, or that he hasn’t acted since 2004. He had such a huge presence that if you put me on the spot, I would have said he was in a movie 2-3 years ago. RIP to a legend.
Wonder if once she died he had uninhibited alzeimers brain.
That’s the sad subtext I got from reading it.
Over 250,000 and 1. I wasn’t counted in that.
Have worked in civil service and dealt with the procurement process in the past. You are 100% correct.
Is there a c/NotMyJob in the fediverse yet? This could be the inaugural post if not.
As someone who lives in a red state that’s pretty heavily dependent upon tourism, I say bring it (or, rather, don’t bring it). Spend your vacation money somewhere that deserves it.
I had no idea she was in ST: SA! I just watched Orphan Black not too long ago, and she was great in that.
Hmm. Is the upstream AP some kind of fancy deal or a run of the mill consumer router?
I’ve seen some Cisco APs configured to not allow multiple MAC addresses from the same station. Caused problems when trying to do VMs on my laptop that had the network in bridge mode.
Are you able to put your phone into hotspot, connect to that instead of the upstream AP, and see if it works?