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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • Nah, most likely Tesla money. Most often when you see police performing a “private” function like this they’re being paid by the requesting party.

    Just like cops escorting a funeral procession or directing traffic for a church or private school, they’re paid by whoever requested the service. Police departments are like any business. They got payroll to meet, obligations to cover, etc. They can’t just yank cops from their normal duties for shit like this. They use off-duty or “*retired” officers.

    Say what you will about capital hiring rent-a-cops, but they’re probably not doing this on our dime.

    * Buddy of mine was briefly a cop, could still strap on the uniform to escort a funeral or the like.

  • Lemmy is the most censor happy media I’ve ever engaged in. Sure, we can cherry pick subs like /r/conservative, /r/latestagecapitalism, /r/pyongyang, etc., but my overall experience with lemmy has proven quite the echo chamber.

    Look at our (dead) /c/conservative comm. Nothing much crazy there, certainly nothing hateful or bigoted. Blasted into the sun. Hell, there were many articles and posts that deserved thought and comment. Nope. Straight into the sun. Even a brand new post, with no politics in the headline, downvoted at birth. I swear there were people patrolling and downvoting every item they saw.

    But no, lemmy’s too smart to fall for that horseshit! For those that agree, let me point you to an old friend of mine:

    “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    That’s the most famous line, but y’all should read the whole book. Short as can be, yet packed with wisdom as to how to fight, and mostly, how avoid fighting and still win.

    Tellingly, the last and most important chapter is “The Use of Spies”. But you guys are too smart to listen to the other side, let alone spy on them. Keep winning?

  • Had a nice long chat with a customer at work about what all she’s growing, how she’s doing it. Talked about cars and what her and my wife drive, how well they worked out. Very pleasant.

    As she was breaking off the conversation she said, “And we’re taking America back! Isn’t that great! We’re taking it back!”

    I had no idea how to reply, strange for me. Taking what back from who and how and what the fuck does that even mean?

    Yes. They’re that dumb and they’ll keep being dumb until the consequences hit them in the face. Personally.

  • What a load of horseshit.

    7% of US adults have been present at the scene of a mass shooting

    No way in hell. I’m a gun nut, in the South. I’ve worked long hours in South Chicago. Never seen a gun fired in anger. Hell, I’ve hardly ever seen a gun in public that wasn’t on a cop. Of all the people I’ve met in my 54-years walking the Earth, I know exactly one who was shot, and he was asking for it, begging for it.

    more than 2% have been injured during one

    Oh FFS. So 1-in-50 Americans have been hurt? In a “mass shooting” no less?!

    And let’s define mass shooting. Note the numbers from Mother Jones, not exactly a conservative rag now are they? Fine, for argument’s sake let’s go with the most broad definition. I’m not sure it’s possible to cram that many witnesses (7% of 330,00,000 Americans = 23,100,100 witnesses) around those shootings, even spread over decades.

    So what were the questions in this scientific poll?

    “physically present” as “in the immediate vicinity of where the shooting occurred at the time it occurred, such that bullets were fired in your direction, you could see the shooter, or you could hear the gunfire”

    Likely people answering, “Yes, I’ve heard gunfire, I think, maybe.”

    2.18 % of respondents said they had been injured, which not only includes having been shot, but also struck by shrapnel or trampled by people fleeing the scene or suffering other injuries as they sought to escape

    Oh my fuck me with this BS. What’s sad is that people, particularly non-Americans, will read the headline, believe it, and move on without a single question.

  • She thinks the measles are like chicken pox, pretty much harmless to young ones. My parents tried to get me sick in the 70s, that’s just how it was done before we had a chicken pox vaccine. Finally got it at 16, still have the scars nearly 40-years later. But I got my shingles vax!

    She’s literally this stupid. Some things we see these nuts try to pull off make sense, from an evil point of view. This move is plain stupid, and because we’ve forgotten what measles are people will listen.

    BTW, I’m 54 and just now learning what measles are and how bad it can be. I had no clue, because I’ve never met anyone that had it.

  • We don’t have power as “consumers”.

    If even 10% of consumers “bought” like I do the economy would suffer greatly. Almost everything I acquire was trash, recycled, repurposed, used, etc. I could show someone around my house and property for 2 solid hours showing off all the deals I got or created.

    Just in the last week I’ve found in my hood:

    • Nice dryer - repaired and selling now
    • 3 vacuum cleaners, 2 of which are also carpet cleaners and are brand new, cleaning for sale
    • Leaky, portable ice maker, probably just needs unclogged
    • 3 kid’s scooters, fixing up the best for my daughter
    • 1 girl’s bike, fixing for my daughter
    • More that I’m forgetting. Had to stop and get this stuff fixed and/or sold.

    I was building stuff yesterday with culled lumber from the hardware store, $50 for $1,400 worth. When I got home I helped my wife with a sweet curio cabinet she got for $35. LOL, it’s huge!

    tl;dr: I find it weird that people just go out and buy stuff new when there’s so much free/cheap/used goods to be had.