Usually means you got featured on hexbear
Usually means you got featured on hexbear
Sucks to suck
SELinux: I’m sorry Dave, we don’t do that here.
The entire narrative that the US doesn’t have a manufacturing industry or blue collar work is largely a myth anyway. The US has a $2.4T manufacturing sector, which is larger than the entire GDP of Canada. There are also plenty of blue collar jobs in the trades.
This “problem” never gets solved because there is no problem. But the media of course continues to help Republicans gaslight us about it.
Can I manifest the gravel or is it like I can just jedi mind trick the delivery driver?
In DC the military helos fly in mode A/C which means they do not broadcast, but will only identify, or “squawk” upon radar interrogation.
Look, fool me sixteen times, shame one you. Fool me twenty six times, shame on you. We won’t get fooled again.
The entire problem with this conversation is that “liberal” has become an overloaded term. The concept was originally anti-feudal so the context of “private property” was very different from the industrial context Marx would eventually add. You can see this in the US and French revolutionary writers who are clearly more focused on the idea of “just laws” being a product of political self determination which requires individual liberty. And now we have modern liberal progressives who have extended that idea to a kind of radical inclusivity, and modern leftists who even got as far as suggesting it is a critical aspect of the post scarcity state.
But Hegel is controversial for a reason. Elements of the Philosophy of Right is filled with equivocation and even Hegel’s personal grudges. This is why everyone just projects their own ideas into Hegel’s writing - because he spends a lot of time not saying much. Also I do not recall the conclusion being that free men inevitably create autocracy. I recall it being more like "I haven’t figured out what comes next for the state "
Have you really never seen hexbears do the pig shit spam?
This (the original tweet) shit is 100% Russian agitprop fwiw. They know precisely how to sow cynicism in western progressives and leftists which just so happens to interact with their interests and Donald Trump’s policies. It’s actually very obvious to anyone who doesn’t get high on their own farts
The Internet: an abusive relationship between humans and cats.