Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • We’re not talking about the religion though, we’re talking about the man, Jesus. He existed, and the historically verifiable facts stand.

    And I’m not sure what you mean by “the religion.” Christianity is a broad category, and we have everything from “Jesus was literally God” (Catholics go as far as revering his mom as divine) to “Jesus was mortal” (e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses). And his impact isn’t limited to Christianity, he’s referred as a prophet in Islam, and even some Jews consider him a teacher worth listening to.

    What you accept from his teachings and whatnot (as recorded by others) is up to you. But his historicity is well established.

  • You’re obviously not Italian…

    Starting with the pasta itself (not how it’s prepared), they use different ingredients. Italian pasta is usually made from high quality duram wheat, whereas American made pastas use a variety of flours, and usually includes eggs (rare with Italian pasta), which results in a softer cooked product. That leads to cooking differences, where Italians prefer firmer texture (al dente), whereas Americans tend to have it softer.

    And then we have sauces. Italians usually keep it simple with a handful of ingredients, and Americans add milk/cream, sugar, cheese, or anything else that sounds good. Americans also go overboard on the sauce, so you get a lot less of the pasta flavor (yes, pasta has flavor, y’all need to add salt to the water).

    And that’s restaurant quality pasta dishes. It gets wild when you look at what’s in those prepared meals in the freezer section.

    I give pizza a pass because I don’t like bread much (yes, I’ve had good Italian pizza), so loading up on toppings works really well. But I just don’t like the mushy mess that is American-style pasta.

  • How do you figure?

    Did Rasputin not exist because a lot of stories about him are embellished? What about the various Catholic saints, whose stories are almost certainly largely fabricated?

    The point is, the hard and fast rules of Jesus’ life have consensus by scholars. He lived, taught, was baptized, and crucified, and a lot of people listened to him. How much of the rest was embellished is certainly up for debate, but those stories existing don’t change whether he existed.

  • As an American who just had some glorious fake pizza last night, I thought I hated pasta until I had good Italian, and then I realized I just hate Americanized Italian food. Except pizza, we do it better.

    Pasta still isn’t my favorite, but I’ll take it if it’s authentic. My SO makes some great aglio e olio and carbonara, often with shrimp.

  • Makes sense. I don’t think I’m neurodivergent, or at least I haven’t been tested nor have I had any significant reason to think I should. That said, I have neurodivergent friends, and I really appreciate them when they’re blunt about things. I had a roommate who approached me at the start saying, “I’ve been diagnosed w/ Aspergers so I struggle with social cues. Is it okay if I ask for help interpreting social situations?” That was awesome, and I wish neuro-typical people would be similarly upfront, like, “e.g. I don’t like how you did X last week, it made me feel Y.” That gives me a chance to explain or apologize X, which hopefully addresses Y.

    Say what you think, and hopefully you’re proven wrong about some negative assumptions. It’s uncomfortable and hard, I get it, but I think living w/ uncertainty is even more uncomfortable.

  • I meant it’s not limited to

    And yeah, it’s pretty easy to tell disinfo most of the time if you prod a little.

    I got banned from some .ml community because I had the audacity to suggest that maybe Russia isn’t the best place in the world for individual privacy, but I think the mod was from another instance altogether. I honestly can’t remember the details, but it was pretty clear a few steps into the discussion that they were at least a Russian apologist if not full-on spreading disinfo intentionally, so I baited them to push the mod button. And they did. I could have disengaged, but I don’t want to be part of a community where even mild criticism of a nation isn’t allowed.

  • And I think if we have a more open dialog, we’d fix so many more issues than tip-toeing around whatever we think could be a sensitive issue.

    I like how Louis Rossmann puts it (quote taken from his colleague), “if you’re gonna be the bitch, be the whole bitch.” Which means if you’re going to disagree/complain about something, be extremely clear about it. That way, the other party has a chance to fix whatever the problem is instead of one side assuming the other is a jerk or temperamental or something. Understanding comes through communication, and bluntness is usually better than beating around the bush.