I mean with the right President there would be reason to take it under the Defense Production Act or civil forfeiture. But Democrats will surely squeal, “our hands out tied” until the next Republican gets elected.
I mean with the right President there would be reason to take it under the Defense Production Act or civil forfeiture. But Democrats will surely squeal, “our hands out tied” until the next Republican gets elected.
The point of my post is that some of the loudest proponents of free speech have ulterior motives. No more, but definitely no less.
You’ve provided no supporting evidence of this. The loudest, or most successful supporters, appear to have been Jewish attorneys that advocated & won cases on free speech allowing even Nazis to gather, march, speak, etc. Are you suggesting these Jews were actually crypto-Nazis in disguise? Your title indicates you’re referring to Nazis in particular.
What else I find weird is that almost the comments like yours appear to be a script where the first thing you do is mention paradox of tolerance. I really find it statistically baffling how many times that is the first response. I guess wrapping counterarguments up into sophisticated sounding titles works for you until you actually have to explain things.
Jewish attorneys actually advocated for Nazis to be able to have marches. The phone you use has technology aided by Nazis… Anyone hear of Operation Paperclip? Wernher von Braun?
People dressed in Swastikas, speaking or marching are not violent acts themselves, those people may never become violent & may have no intention of being violent.
Most of them don’t even believe Hitler murdered a bunch of Jews and that history was written by powerful Jews. It doesn’t exactly help when Republicans & Democrats are loyal to Israel over America.
All & all, free speech laws in America are not rights to commit crime. Threats & violence are still criminal, and that goes both ways. Don’t punch someone just cause they are wearing a Nazi outfit and think it is legal to do so… You may end up paying their medical bills & restitution.
America has litigated this multiple times & you had strong arguments from both sides, but in the end free speech won & I believe it was the right choice. I’d suggest you actually study history & those trials a bit more.
If you don’t like it then file a lawsuit to change the law & make your case like normal productive people do instead of whining on the Internet about how you don’t like things. If you don’t like it then share the docket number of the lawsuit you’ve already filed to show you’ve done the work like countless people before you did to get the free speech we have today.
I see posts like this all the time, especially now that Trump & Republicans are trying to claim protesting Israel or their actions is antisemitic & should result in deportation. Nazism has went from being about being against Jews to being a Republican who loves Israel. Weird the people making a big deal about Nazis don’t realize the irony.
I guess you can protest behind bars like an idiot who throws paint on federal agents. Definitely will accomplish a lot that way to fight fascism.
So you’re equating crimes that get you a ticket, which as you acknowledge sometimes are harmless like driving through a red light at midnight when no one is around, to throwing paint on federal agents? Geezus where did you get your education from? Throwing paint on federal agents doesn’t do anything but get you locked up for probably several months to years. If you want to get locked up you’d at least make more sense to actually do something of value rather than to do the stupidest shit imaginable.
You’re advocating for people to commit crime. You go resist violently since you love jail so much.
Bringing pink paint to a protest to throw on federal officers is premeditated, not peacefully resisting. Maybe spend some time learning law. Funny you keep saying boot licking but I know plenty of kids like you and their parents all work for Nike.
Lol all you do is type behind a keyboard lil terrorist wannabe
Okay well when you’re in jail for committing crimes remember you got yourself there for being stupid
I hate to break it to you but people are still prosecuted for crimes, especially assault against federal agents, and paint may add additional charges, especially if it has solvents or other hazardous waste. If you want to take back your country, do it by winning over the people through reason. If you’re declaring a civil war or insurrection then don’t be surprised when you end up on a terrorist watch list, and possibly charged with incitement to violence.
LOL. Harmless as in possibly 20 years in prison for federal charges. Good luck with that.
How does Element X add anything based on this?
Would much rather see Sidekick make a return. People that like BlackBerry are the same ones that love paying for Windows. They just like to burn money.
He is married? That did not seem like innocent humor at all.
Violence against nazis is good.
Even wearing a swastika or flying a Nazi flag doesn’t mean you’re a murderer or that you intend to murder people. Many modern Nazis don’t believe that 6 million Jews were murdered and that those were facts made up by powerful Jews, so to claim they intend to murder more people because of it is ridiculous when they don’t believe the murder happened. In fact, what I’ve seen recently online is a prevalence of people like yourself (that I’m hopeful are mostly bot accounts) advocating for murdering & being violent against those who appear to be wearing Nazi symbolism or using some Nazi hand gesture, but who are being non-violent.
Everyone, even you, has the potential to become violent. That doesn’t mean people should attack you because you have potential to become violent. That is not how free speech works and is fascist behavior.
This conversation tells me he hasn’t done enough to tell the nazis and their defenders in his audience to fuck off, and without action his apology is worth fuckall.
He literally apologized and took a multi-year break. His content was mostly just video games and at times a little edgy. Regardless, at what point do you decide you can get more accomplished by volunteering and showing people love through kindness. Here you are talking about how violence is good. Should I follow you around the Internet forever now reminding everyone how you think being violent is a good thing, even after you say you are sorry for it and don’t want to hurt people?
No fascism is when you’re against free speech & constantly advocating violence against non-violent people who have exercised free speech, and then when someone does apologize for speech you didn’t like then 5 years later you’re still trying to censor those people.
How many years ago was that. It sounds like he apologized and has taken a long break from YouTube and yet here come a bunch of actual screeching fascist saying, “Gross that he uses Linux! Arch is now NaziOS & we want to see him publicly executed still!”
Lol you missed the part where she turns and her butt cheeks are showing.
This is the most reasonable assessment in my opinion. The very same people down voting you would go apeshit if the Supreme Court barred what they deemed a far left candidate. If people don’t like right-wing politicians then they should demand a candidate passionate about popular policies to oppose them. However barring or attempting to, like Democrats did with Bernie, & has other candidates during debates & on the ballots, helped give us Trump.