yea, starting farms with so many turkeys around? noob
And placing the farms with one distance from the city center lol
Here I’m just mad because that shirt is guaranteed to either A be wide as fuck, or B if it fits width wise properly, be at the top of your hips so if you lift your arms it becomes a crop top
This era of games is so good
“I hope you can place your hands better than your farms, hot stuff!”
There aint many 26 year old games that still receive regular updates.
some mmos are up there, but i think aoe 2 is probably one of the most played games still kept active.
RuneScape is now 24 years old, though it basically remade itself twice.
wow is 21 years old
ultima online is still going after all this time, that one’s 28 years old now.
a few old old games like colossal and Nethack still get updated i guess, but i had to look those ones up. I’d heard of colossal cave adventue, a text based adventure game. makes me wonder how ai dungeon is doing these days…
Nethack is a ascii graphics based roguelike. some articles claim that’s the oldest still updated game.
Makes me yearn for a simpler time
The dark age, so there is no tribuchets yet?
I sometimes wonder why AoE 1 never gets any love in the present day the way AoE 2 does… I’m sure 2 is probably better but I just spent so much time playing 1 that it feels way better to play that now for that reason alone. I had a go at 2 when I got a disc for it with a pack of cereal once and it was good but it just wasn’t right somehow, lost some of the simple charm of 1.
I think the gameplay of 2 was more “complete” and streamlined. I briefly played 1 but the spent thousands of hours in aoe2 and literally forgot what aoe1 was even like. When I went briefly tried 1 again it felt clunky. That said nothing wrong with enjoying aoe1.
I’m surprised video game scene shirts aren’t more common
I have this one of Sonic, not sure where it come from, bought it in a second hand sell at my office for a dollar.
That’s dope, but I mean, like an actual scene of gameplay. Like showing Green Hill Zone or something.
I had a Shadow of the Colossus t shirt that I really liked. It was just a black shirt with the silhouette of the first colossus, the landscape, and Wander made by bleaching against a stencil. It didn’t sau the name of the game or anything, but if you have played it you’d immediately recognise the scene, and if you haven’t it just looked like a fairly ordinary shirt with a big monkey-like silhouette on it
What game is this? Age of Empires?
Age of empires 2, specifically
I want this with the Civilization logo on it SO BAD.
“Peter Moleneux’s Civilization”
Edit: In the sim city font
Maybe a full shoulder quote “the carrier has arrived” from StarCraft on the back.