What do you call a dozen burned teslas?
A good start.
I’ll be here all week. Tip your waiter.
Pay your employees
Doesn’t it say something about how often Teslas catch fire that a dozen cars burned and their response is “arson suspected”?
The French really do love to set things on fire though. It’s part of their national identity.
Oh no!
What fire? Anybody see any fire?
It’s France, if vehicles aren’t burning is it really even a protest?
Great great! Carry on!
And nothing of value was lost
That’s a bit harsh… matches may be cheap, but they’re not worthless.
I’m pretty sure you still need an accelerant, which would be the more expensive part.
They just caught fire spontaneously. No accelerant needed.
Or you just pour water on the “wrong spot” (where tesla was too cheap to protect the batteries) and it burns down itself.
Does this hurt musk? Or the dealership?
No. Not in the slightest. All you did was give them insurance write off.
Cars staying with no one buying them, THAT hurts Tesla. Musk? Nah, he’s checked out since Teslas and EVs aren’t exactly something right gives tow shits about… At least until he needs another payout, but that’s not why he became a president of USA for! Infinite money.
Insurance generally does not cover arson, but I don’t know if their policy specifically does. If it was covered, the insurance company is going to consider raising the premiums for coverage. If enough dealerships have to make claims due to arson, all dealerships may have increased premiums, or may even become uninsurable, which would likely stop them from operating at all.