History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Musk isn’t a member of the Nazi party. He does hold a lot of important views in common with them, however. He also associates with people who fit most of the rest.
What percentage do you think is needed before calling someone a Nazi?
For the Americans that don’t know the word Nazism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism?wprov=sfla1
Although he has right-wing ideologies, there is no evidence of Elon Musk being a Nazi. A car can’t be a Nazi either…
I’m tired of all of the populism and strong headlines on Lemmy. Actual factual journalism gets burried deep in the feed.
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Musk isn’t a member of the Nazi party. He does hold a lot of important views in common with them, however. He also associates with people who fit most of the rest.
What percentage do you think is needed before calling someone a Nazi?
Saluting like a nazi is sufficient as far as I’m concerned.
nazis didn’t exist, they were all confused autists making awkward gestures
“Ignore your lying eyes.”
Fuckin’ Nazi apologists.
No need to get personal. I’m open for a civilized discussion but not this.
You don’t like being called a nazi apologist, don’t make excuses for nazis.