perfect timing for a tesla store opening
Riding the wave from that WH infomercial! can’t go wrong baby
Warhammer infomercial? Makes sense, the Cybertruck looks like it was made by orks
Small $20 handheld sandblasters and small air tanks are great for all your hobby glass etching needs!
Love. To. See. It.
Keep it up fellow Americans.
Love Canada.
Of course it’s trans activists. Normal people don’t destroy or vandalize somones else property
Normal people aren’t afraid of trans people… You spookied?
So what if it is? Trans rights are human rights.
I mean . . . that’s a lot of glass. Intact.
Yeah a brick would also suffice here
Looks like domestic terrorism to me.
Looks like civil disobedience to me. Something a fascist bootlicker wouldn’t understand.
I thought they called this “free speech” in the US. Can’t have the cake and eat it too
Eating the cake is also domestic terrorism.
Downvoting domestic terrorism? Believe it or not, domestic terrorism.
Some words spray painted on the side of a car dealership looks like domestic terrorism to you? Good God you people are fragile. And hypocrites, because I bet you’re just fine with running over protestors or taking weapons across state lines to shoot them.
They’re fragile because they are scared and realizing that they aren’t actually the majority. They want to use the draconian terrorism statutes that are legally dubious to start, against regular protests to justify their shitty minority rules position.
Yes that seems fine as long as you’re not spray painting windows of a building owned by the real president of the united states while you’re doing it.
Sure looks like it! Am I am HERE for it. I think those windows would pair nicely with 9 balls of 00-buck. Say one shell per window?
When we say ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms’ we don’t mean people like you.
I know you’re not going to read this, because you chicken shits always post and then hide as if you’ve somehow won the conversation. But you are right, except they don’t mean you either.
In case you’ve never actually read the Amendment in its entirety, I’ll put it here for your convenience. It’s just one sentence, yet the first half is inconvenient for a lot of people so they try to ignore it…
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
The entire thing is in reference to a “well regulated militia”. It’s not saying every dumbass has a right to a firearm. Something 2A dipshits keep wanting to ignore despite it being half the Amendment.
It also predates the existence of the US military entirely, which should be taken into account since the creation of the US military replaced the need for a well regulated militia.
I read your comment but I disagree with your analysis.
My militia and I train every weekend and no government is going to regulate us.
If you’re actually referencing the National Guard, the actual modern militia, then great. But given the way you described it, and that this is a random internet community filled with edge lords, that’s unlikely.
You can disagree and LARP it up in the fields all you want, just like those dip shit sovereign citizens and their magical incantations they think make them right.
You’re actively watching fascism take over the country in front of you and not doing shit about it because you know you don’t actually stand a chance. Your Meal Team 6 buddies ain’t accomplishing anything but dying immediately if the military actually gets involved.
Are you gate keeping militias now?
“But I have a right to bear arms!”
– RFK Jr.
And whale heads.