Lol, I wish. I just get doomer and go from thinking ‘I’ve got all the time in the world’ to ‘It’s too late to do anything.’
If I skip this paper, and get a 90 on the test I can still get a C- in the class…
I really should go and get checked, eh?
Every post on here is poking me in the ribs…
Or, you can do what I did and wait 45 years before getting diagnosed and then spend the next 5 years being just as productive as the previous 45 combined (yay adderall!)
Haha real
More like it kicks on at last minute when things start not mattering.
I thought it was my ADHD
Turns out it was the manic side of bipolar disorder
haha this was the only way I ever got anything submitted in college and was able to still get high grades
wait what do you mean I’m now incapable of self regulating my time at a professional job without steady deadline flow and am a permanent procrastinator that is wholly “unmotivated”?
8 hours? Not bad. For me this doesn’t hit until 15 minutes before deadline (for a 2 day task)
Sometimes my will is more powerful than Adderall
Waiting for this to happen. I’ve been locked inside my room depressed and not even doing anything fun or entertaining just knowing that I have a deadline on something. I can’t even have fun when I waste time. On top of it, I haven’t done the regular stuff I need to do because of that other thing weighing on my mind. That deadline broke me.
Literally how I made it through college.
You get 8 hours? Im lucky if i get 1…
Aw shit, here I go, this meme just reminded me, that me thinking “I’ll take a quick break from working on my mailserver integration stuff” was 6 hours ago.
Literally me yesterday.