How fucking dumb are these asshats? Calling boycotts of a shitty product which is first amendment protected activity, illegal? Super dumb Promising to make even more of these cars when his company already struggles to sell them and they sit in lots collecting dust for years? Then promising that these cars will either be self driving or they wont drive at all, which is his way of saying he will finally succeed in delivering FSD after over a half a decade of continuously failed promises to deliver, in his own extremely moronic grasp of the english language.
This is nothing more than a fucking dumpster fire fueled with weapons grade plutonium levels of stupidity.
The only people buying teslas now are either maga morons which makes nl sense since they hate EV technology or people who can find them used so cheap they can’t pass up the deal. Many people are trying to get out of their contracts but are hindered because tesla put in a clause saying you cant sell jt for the first 2 years similar to what ferrari bently rolls Royce and other super high end sports/luxury brands do.(he is so egotistical he thinks his poorly engineered flammable paper weights are on the same level) it gives me pleasure and hope tk hear that generation z knows what a looser and grifter musk and his little orange bitch are. You raised him right, good job comrade.