How fucking dumb are these asshats? Calling boycotts of a shitty product which is first amendment protected activity, illegal? Super dumb Promising to make even more of these cars when his company already struggles to sell them and they sit in lots collecting dust for years? Then promising that these cars will either be self driving or they wont drive at all, which is his way of saying he will finally succeed in delivering FSD after over a half a decade of continuously failed promises to deliver, in his own extremely moronic grasp of the english language.
This is nothing more than a fucking dumpster fire fueled with weapons grade plutonium levels of stupidity.
I don’t think environmentally conscious people have been the core market for tesla products for at least 5-6 years. Now its just rich assholes who want to brag about having a novel technology in their garage. Hopefully the wall streets bets/ gme crowd was able to sell off their tesla shares quickly enough after the famous “autistic gesture” of “giving my heart out to the crowd” elon made at the inauguration. Because tesla going from 700+ a share to $248 in just a few years is just so fucking funny, what a dumpster fire. Even 248 is way more than that garbage product is worth. No good automobiles have been made in the usa since the early 1970’s right before nixon ended the gold standard and thus began the rapid decline of the us dollar and us industrial manufacturing strength.