How fucking dumb are these asshats? Calling boycotts of a shitty product which is first amendment protected activity, illegal? Super dumb Promising to make even more of these cars when his company already struggles to sell them and they sit in lots collecting dust for years? Then promising that these cars will either be self driving or they wont drive at all, which is his way of saying he will finally succeed in delivering FSD after over a half a decade of continuously failed promises to deliver, in his own extremely moronic grasp of the english language.

This is nothing more than a fucking dumpster fire fueled with weapons grade plutonium levels of stupidity.

    11 hours ago

    I would like to avoid a bloody revolution at all cost, except the cost of progress. If that’s what it takes, then so be it. I do think we have some avenues to explore before we get to that point, but they are closing fast. If something doesn’t change drastically and soon, we are looking at a French 1789 type of event.

    • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
      10 hours ago

      I think we are beyond that point. 13 of the 14 defining traits of fascism are evident in both partied. The only trait with plausible deniability is fraudulent elections. But its obvious that the rich have subverted every other aspect of our political system with money to the point of legalized corruption and it is in my opinion naive to think they would stop there because democracy is sacred to them and they would keep integrity in elections for our highest office for any reason what soever.

      Within the last 10-15 years or so the highest court in Germany decided a case on electronic voting and they ultimately decided that electronic voting is unconstitutional. The reason being that it is impossible to differentiate between legitimate results and fraudulent results for anyone who isn’t a cyber security and ot IT expert. And unfortunately i was never able to find this video again but sometime during the 2016 primaries i found a video of election officials testing a vote tabulation machine against their inputed information and the machine completely changed the results. This in tandem with the fact that in iowa sanders supporters outnumbered clinton supporters at their caucus 2 to 1 but clinton was still handed the iowa delegates regardless just solidifies my belief that our democratic processes have been corrupted at every possible instance.

      Then there was the princeton study which concluded that the amount of influence one has on the american political system and any piece of policy/ legislation os directly proportional to the amount of wealth you own with regular working class people having a meaningless/ irrelevant statistically near zero influence on any policy regardless how popular or unpopular it may be. Lewis powell was an awful far right corporatist leach who was appointed to the supreme court by nixon in 1972 and did a lot to pave the way for citizens united and the current state of the supreme court but this problem goes beyond the mechanisms of the system itself which have obviously been corrupted by outside corporate influence such as fox news which was established to protect any future right wing administrations from being criticized the likes that nixon was in case of any future scandals that may arise of a similar nature and we see how that went. The roots of the fascist/ corporatist take over of our governemnt can be traced back to the nazi germany, the bush family and the central banking cartel which empowered him and wall street. The business plot was a real Conspiracy where wall street propositioned a highly decorated general (Smedly Butler) to lead a coup and overthrow FDR since they hated his populist left wing policies and the threat to their capital it posed. And butler played along with this coup attempt which was orchestrated by prescott bush and many of the other legacy robber barron families of wall street. He played along up until the final moment where he blew the whistle and ended up testifying to congress and the house unamerican activities committee but unfortunately they did nothing likely because they were paid off not to. And although this coup attempt wasn’t successful then and FDR served 4 terms as the most popular president in all us history they quickly worked to prevent this from ever happening passing the 22nd amendment to limit presidential terms to 2.

      Bur fastforward 90 or so years and now the son and grandson of the coup’s main architect were both sitting presidents(one was even head of the cia which is arguably a position far more powerful than president) and our government is now blatantly and obviously controlled by an intersection of wall street corporate and military industrial power which which is completely intertwined with almost all of the news media outlets and all serve as propaganda outlets currently ever since Reagan and then bush senior vetoed attempts to legislate the fairness in media doctrine that allowed journalistic integrity to flourish in the usa up till the 1980’s when everything began to clearly deteriorate as a result of right wing fascist political aggitation begun in the 2 decades prior.

      So because of all this (and some other things I haven’t mentioned) I personally believe we are so very far beyond the point where any systemic change will or can be initiated / Implemented through the mechanisms of the very system which has so clearly allowed the ultra wealthy to manipulate its democratic processes in such a way that insulated and protected them from democracy itself.

        3 hours ago

        I’m surprised no one has insinuated that you think both parties are the same.

        good read though, if a bit long