Glad I left that instance. Mods need to grow some spines and stop censoring things just because people complain.
We already have the tools to ignore others.
Glad I left that instance. Mods need to grow some spines and stop censoring things just because people complain.
We already have the tools to ignore others.
Why would people be loyal to assad? What did he stand for that they support?
I thought that most of the support for assad was out of fear, not respect.
and a metric fuckton of apathy
We can thank those who support the disparity in wealth for that one.
This person has no idea what he’s talking about and we should all ignore him accordingly.
Owning a house isn’t that expensive.
I own one. It’s so much cheaper than renting it’s not even funny. I could pay someone to do all the work I don’t want to and still come out so far ahead it’s not even funny.
Renting is a scam and only useful idiots and scammers defend it.
Because there is nothing immoral or unethical about having multiple rental property.
Wrong. Nobody should have extra houses to “rent out” while hardworking citizens can’t afford a single house of their own.
The reason why we don’t have enough is because they have too much.
Stop being a useful idiot. It’s falling out of fashion.
Got ratted out by a mcdonald’s worker.
Even if there’s more income it’s impossible for young people to save and I hate it.
That’s the point. It’s why I always laugh whenever someone says “they’re a business and they need to make money!”
It’s like, that money is just going to the landlords of their employees more often than not. We can hopefully see how that rhetoric is a roundabout way of defending the profits of people taking advantage of us.
The working class has really sold itself out.
Any reason why we can’t just change the tax code to make this thing less viable
Culture. Too many people think those who have more deserve more and those who have less deserve less.
It’s the same idea that made slavery so accepted in the South. Most Southern whites did not own slaves; they could not afford it. They still supported slavery because they supported the idea of owning slaves, that maybe one day they could get a slave of their own.
Same goes for why we have so many dirt-poor paycheck-to-paycheck useful idiots going to bat for their oppressors; they’re hoping that one day they can be the oppressors. Oh, and they don’t want to admit they’re being taken for a ride.
Until this culture changes, we shouldn’t expect things to get any better.
Why do you have an extra house when others don’t even have 1?
Renting is a scam.
It’s a shame so many of us have been convinced to fall for it.
I’m glad I got out years ago, but the housing market is abysmal too.
The problem is that too few people have too much and the rest of us have to do without enough. We need to unite against the ruling class and redistribute their wealth if we want our situations to improve. It’s literally the only way.
They will kick. They will scream. That means it’s working.
If they are happy, it means we’re getting f**ked.
Why do you get extra properties to rent out to others while he has to pay the rent?
The only reason why he doesn’t have enough is because people like you have too much.
We’re coming for you.
That’s nice, but you shouldn’t have an extra property to rent out to others when there’s not enough to go around.
A wealth and property cap would make way more sense and solve way more problems.
This species isn’t ready for it yet, though, and continues to suffer accordingly.
Future generations are laughing.
Most people renting are doing so because they believe the houses they can afford “aren’t good enough for them.”
I keep telling my friends rent is going up every 2 years.
Looks like it’s about that time.
Would you be willing to do it in a town of 3,000 people?
The thing that pisses me off is that I’m not Asking to be able to afford a house. I already gave up on that a long time ago.
Sigh. This is part of the problem. We need to value ownership more than renting.
What about that is right-wing?