I’m glad no one was hurt! Sounds scary
I’m glad no one was hurt! Sounds scary
Shit, I’m wrong.
Five years ago my step kids were riding in the car with their dad and some car side swiped him.
They pulled over and while their dad was calling the cops, the other car pulled up along side them and fired and gun at their car. No one was hurt, but they coulda been.
Not a MASS shooting i guess, but god damned closed enough.
Of course the cops were completely useless despite having the dashcam footage and the license plate number.
Fair point
That’s seems high. I know way more than 15 people and none of them have seen a mass shooting
Damn I literally heard this perfectly in their voices.
It gets even worse for me.
Since I knew I couldn’t afford it, I tried to setup a short sale when I found someone who was interested. that’d mean chase would lose about 10k on the 120k mortgage.
So I went through the tedious process which took about a month, and just as we were ready to go chase changed my case handler. So I had to start over with the new person, for reasons that were not provided. So fine, I did.
Month later, THAT person switched off and I got a new case processor to take over, and when they told me I had to start over I literally said “you can fuck yourselves, in walking” and I never spoke to chase about the house again. Couple years later the foreclosure finally went through, and instead of 110k they got… 22k from the sheriffs sale.
My step mom worked at chase in the mortgage dept at the time, and later told me this was SOP for short sales at the time. They were uninterested in actually doing it, just jerking me around until I quit trying.
I’m flopping what someone else said and goin with: buying a home in 2008. “Build equity! Stop renting”
Then the economy collapsed, I lost my job, moved to California for work after listing my house, could not afford Bay Area rent AND my mortgage, and the house got foreclosed on.
Fuck Chase fuck banks fuck the economy.
This isn’t even really C, it’s a bunch of assembly instructions jammed into C
Not that it’s not impressive… but still.
Rage 2022 in Cleveland.
Jeez, I’m glad you weren’t hurt. That definitely counts.