So the system is working as intended.
It’s exhausting to be disabled
So draining it barely leaves energy for posting about it.
And being able to fill out the form is considered by the government to be proof of a neurotypical mind.
Oh, so it’s the witch hunting technique. If you drown, then you’re not a witch. If you don’t drown, we kill you.
catch 22
Pretty much the equivalent of asking a paraplegic to prove their disability by running.
If you file for adhd and don’t complete the form, it should be granted.
Just as an FYI, most states have programs that will fund a disability lawyer to assist you with your disability claim. Most of the time the lawyers will be paid partly through your claim if it is successful and it’s usually free if it is not.
Also do not get discouraged if your claim is initially denied, in my state it’s basically an open secret that your first claim gets automatically denied to discourage people from actually getting benefits. With disability, it’s all about persistence, documentation, and filing as soon as you can. Even if you get denied for years, when it is successful your claim will be back dated to the date of your initial filling.
Not a lawyer, but I work in a field where most all my patients are on disability, and I have had to help my parents file in an extremely conservative state.
Seems weird that they’re willing to pay for a lawyer to help you but not to pay their own employees to help you, which is why you need the lawyer.
It’s bullshit jobs all the way down.
most states
havehad programs
I successfully submitted for a short term disability claim for an anxiety condition that arose from my ADHD. A few weeks later I was told that there wouldn’t be a role for me to return to once I was recovered. IE in an attempt to avoid a nasty law suit they aren’t firing me until I’m off short term disability.
Talk about setting up adverse conditions for recovery!
That’s exactly what they did to my wife last year.
I’m pretty sure that could be used against them, especially if they told you in writing 🤔
That’s why unions are important