Dammit Mom, my 56 imaginary kids cost me nearly my ENTIRE paycheck! Have some sympathy.
But for real, what is “real kids?”
“no real kids”
“no real bills”
the fact that he added “real” to both means she has them but he somehow doesn’t consider them real, whatever the fuck that means. but this sounds like a total piece of shit and i feel sorry for the 24 year old.
nothing like ruining the economy and the future for the next generation and then refusing to help.
She only has fake kids and fake bills
The fuck does no real bills mean? Does eating, rent and gas/insurance not count as real bill?
24 y/o with a teaching job.
No real income is what she has. Probably on top of a shitton student debt.
Don’t forget how much money she spends on classroom supplies for her “not real kids”!
I wonder if this lady will ever realize the politicians she votes for (come on, we know which party) are why her daughter with one of the most importsnt jobs in the entire world can’t afford to see. Probably not.
This pervasive selfishness in older generations sickens and astounds me.
Imagine not wanting to give your kids everything.
I would forego food if I had to in order to help my kids see better.
what does “no real kids” and “no real bills” mean?