Mine is a small bottle of liquid bandage. It stays in my toiletries, can go through that, and is superior to most bandages!
Travel router. I can plug it in to a router (if available) and instantly have a network all my devices connect to automatically that can either connect to a commercial VPN or my home VPN. Works to rebroadcast a WiFi network as well. If you have to pay for WiFi, you can pay for one device and clone the MAC onto the router and rebroadcast a signal all your devices can use. Works on planes, hotels, you name it. I have a gl.inet but there are a few.
My proudest script kiddy achievement was at hotel that had paid WiFi and a free tier. I clicked the free tier but it wasn’t very good and there was no way to upgrade to paid, even after changing MAC and deleting cookies etc. I found a piece of gym equipment that used internet in the hotel gym, cloned its MAC address onto the device, unplugged the gym equipment and boom I had full speed internet as it was on the network’s whitelist with no throttle.
Vaseline. Is that non-standard? It doubles as lip balm and for those really dry patches of skin that come around (currently in Japan and it’s been dry af). Or even for small cuts, or used as hand cream.
Also can be used as a fire starter (for camping, just to clarify!).
My grandparents ruined Vaseline for me. I will gladly carry multiple things to never use that stuff again.
Oh boy. Please explain. 😬
Chapstick, hand lotion, balms anything but Vaseline.
Why did your grandparents ruin Vaseline for you? Sorry, I wasn’t clear. Just wondering what kind of detriments I could be doing to myself by using Vaseline.
They put it on me. That was all it took i guess. Maybe it was just that i don’t like the stuff. It was like a jar of snot that smelled. Still gives me the ick. I’m 41.
I hear ya. I’m not a fan of the smell either, but for what I use it for, it works wonders. I also use Lucas Paw Paw when I can. It smells way nicer.
Amongst other things, I always carry some zip ties. They weigh nothing, yet come in handy in so many ways.
Ah yes, zip ties. I also carry them every day. Along with plastic sheeting, a machete, a shovel, and a bottle of moonshine.