So, he’s been left with egg on his face then?
I’ll see myself out 😉
I hear Canada has lots of eggs and they are USA’s closest ally, haven’t been following the news in 2 weeks though, there is no way decades of relations could have possibly been destroyed in that short amount of time, right?
No thanks. Maybe tax the eggs more and use the funds to subsidize vegetables
“Let them eat tariffs” - Marie Canadette
Maybe starting a trade war was not the move.
I dunno. He was getting a really bad, very bad deal on egg prices from Canada. Those greedy people are very nasty. Not nice at all. All this land, lots of eggs. Wont share. I don’t know why governor Trudeau drinks milkshakes, made with non USDA milk while my fellow Americans suffer from an eggidemic.
Not right. Something bigly must be done. I think maybe tariff the land crabs next.
Trump admin can go fuck itself!
no one sell the americans a fucking egg
American. Support this. I would go the rest of my life without eating/using another egg if that would be the thing that begins the end of this nightmare.
ETA- also, i would love to see an SNL skit where Trump is desperately trying to buy an egg, offering a million dollars (that everyone knows he won’t pay), begging the world leaders, as they sit and laugh and offer him deals that he won’t take.
Damn straight. We don’t want fucking eggs. We want regular eggs.
I’m not sure that you understand the eggs primary purpose. Regular eggs are fucking eggs, unfucked.
Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions
“Trump administration Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins recently addressed rising prices, suggesting that Americans should begin maintaining backyard coops and produce their own eggs.”
Having to grow your own food is peak dystopia.
lol…especially since most zoning regulations prohibit it (raising chickens). many communities have been fighting for years to be able to do such a thing. they would literally love to.
it’s like the opposite of Mao’s leap. Instead of farmers moving to cities we’ll all be farmers.
Weird too with this bird plague, Mao killed a lot of birds too didn’t he?
Yes this is a great move with fucking bird flu out there. Jesus christ.
That should be a cinch now that he’s pissed off most of our trade partners. It’s like yelling at your neighbors “don’t EVER park here!” and building an ugly high fence, then 5 days later knocking at their door “hey, can I borrow a cup of flour?”
You forgot about him insulting and threatening to rape your wife, claiming she wants nothing better and you’re just his pimp for the time being
Just eat all the bird flu “infected” chicken eggs.
They’re not harmful. That’s just liberal propaganda.
Wash it down with raw milk. They will cancel out.
What about a strong light inside the egg?
the art of the deal
A real artist.
the art of the deal
Would rather look elsewhere rather than actually deal with the bird flu and price gouging corporations
Republicans love treating the symptoms rather than even considering taking a look at root causes. The root causes usually lead to their donors.