One time, during the pandemic the girl I was dating did this to me while I was working, she moved on top of my lap and started kissing me. If my boss back then wasn’t an asshole it would’ve gone further.
Bitcoiners have sex?
Yes, they get fucked over a lot
I ended up having to block the word Bitcoin. It’s just too much.
I know. It’s such a nice protocol, too.
Nice idea, but implementation is pretty much flawed. It doesn’t property scale to large usage without a gazillion problems emerging.
Besides not being able to scale.
- Excessive network usage - over 10x compared to activitypub
- Relays auto-deleting old posts
- No actual blocking implemented - only client side
- Post editing doesn’t always work
- Notifications and posts getting lost between clients
- No moderation for scammers or trolls
- Unable to block people from following
- Metadata leaks - like everyone knows who you muted
Can you elaborate?
I’m thinking about using it as a broker for a little family-group oriented word game, because the servers that do what I need already exist and include the NIPs I’d want, and truly, Nostr servers have been the simplest, least resource demanding servers I’ve run. There are copious libraries in every language for writing clients. It seems ideal.
I’m not concerned about scaling, but I am curious about what those issues are, as I haven’t heard of any.
Is fart huffing Jack still on there?
Seemingly so. He breathes farts now.