Yes! There will always be 12 hours between sunset and sunrise, regardless of time of year. This is how our ancestors lived. Sure, you work more in the Summer, but you make up for it in the Winter.
At that point you might as well go with the full blown free range organic supernatural time scale, none. Sun dials were a mistake, we must return to the time before he concept of timekeeping existed. “What’s the time?” “What even is time, maan. Its all just a construct. Come lay on this rock and let us enjoy this glowy ball move across the sky.” “B-but productivity and scheduling and…” “Nah bro its all made up numbers to play societal monkey games man, it doesnt exist. The only ‘time’ is the present transitioning into the infinitely branching phase space of the future at the speed of causality, maan. The only calendar you need to worry about is the phases of the moon”
Wait. Are you saying that an hour is no longer 60 minutes, but one 12th of the time between sunrise and sunset?
We lose a lot of light in the winter, and I’m not sure that I want to spend an extra 3 hours at work every day in the summer.
Yes! There will always be 12 hours between sunset and sunrise, regardless of time of year. This is how our ancestors lived. Sure, you work more in the Summer, but you make up for it in the Winter.
Yeah that’s gonna be a hard pass from me. I like my time in predictable increments, thanks.
But it’s better, because it’s natural. <Insert birdsong and Native American flutes here.> /s
At that point you might as well go with the full blown free range organic supernatural time scale, none. Sun dials were a mistake, we must return to the time before he concept of timekeeping existed. “What’s the time?” “What even is time, maan. Its all just a construct. Come lay on this rock and let us enjoy this glowy ball move across the sky.” “B-but productivity and scheduling and…” “Nah bro its all made up numbers to play societal monkey games man, it doesnt exist. The only ‘time’ is the present transitioning into the infinitely branching phase space of the future at the speed of causality, maan. The only calendar you need to worry about is the phases of the moon”
i’ve lived in places with midnight sun. that’s gotta be a no from me.
Where I am an hour would be 45 minutes in December and an hour and a half in June. Fine I guess, unless you’re getting paid by the hour.
Eh, you’ll make more per hour in the winter and less in the summer. It balances out.
But I want to do all my work in the winter and lay around on the beach all summer
Well, that’s clearly unnatural, so therefore bad. That logic clearly has no flaws at all!