This happened to a girl I knew that tried to make some money on onlyfans during Covid lockdown. Only lasted 4 months, even though she was pretty attractive. I think guys just assume that as a girl, you can simply post nudes online and make money, while it actually does require consistent effort, marketing skills, and a bit of luck.
I know so many people trying to make it as streamers who cannot seem to understand that you have to do a lot of work to make anything catch on unless you are crazy lucky/extremely attractive. A regular person playing a game isn’t interesting for others and it takes energy for most to cultivate a following.
There’s a bit on the Netflix Pornhub documentary from a camgirl. She notes that she does her own marketing, lighting, camera work, etc., and every once in a while, she masturbates on camera. It’s a real job with real effort.
This happened to a girl I knew that tried to make some money on onlyfans during Covid lockdown. Only lasted 4 months, even though she was pretty attractive. I think guys just assume that as a girl, you can simply post nudes online and make money, while it actually does require consistent effort, marketing skills, and a bit of luck.
I know so many people trying to make it as streamers who cannot seem to understand that you have to do a lot of work to make anything catch on unless you are crazy lucky/extremely attractive. A regular person playing a game isn’t interesting for others and it takes energy for most to cultivate a following.
My cousin dropped out of university after a few months, and wanted to be a pro gaming streamer instead.
Oddly enough he never did achieve that, and now mostly sits around his parent’s house doing quite a lot of being depressed.
There’s a bit on the Netflix Pornhub documentary from a camgirl. She notes that she does her own marketing, lighting, camera work, etc., and every once in a while, she masturbates on camera. It’s a real job with real effort.
It’s like sex work is work.
The only people who think sex work isn’t work are terrible at sex.
And probably terrible at work.
on onlyfans, like most platforms, the vast majority of people make little to nothing
I imagine it’s as easy to make money off of as YouTube or Twtich, almost impossible.