Tropic Thunder comes to mind.
Masters of the Universe (1987).
This was my first post-credits scene. It was such a surprise. And, because it was on TV in the late 80s/early 1990s, we weren’t certain what we’d just seen and couldn’t watch it again!
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off telling everyone to leave already
My first!
The one at the end of Monsters Inc with the bloopers. I wish all the other Pixar films had it, it was so much fun!
Bloopers?! They made a whole musical version of their own movie!
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
22 Jump Street with the teasers for the next 20 sequels
Howard the Duck at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m still holding out hope for that reboot…
He’s featured in an episode of What If…? and he makes a cameo in the GotG3. It could make for a great holiday special.
He is in the crowd in Endgame too, but don’t think he has a line.
Only of they bring back the song, too.
That whole movie was some of Lea Thompson’s finest work.
It’s like a 30-way tie between all Jackie Chan movies.
Jackie Chan: The man who is also a genre
I can only think of a single scene, and it’s the dancing mice at the end of Coraline. Was actually amazing seeing that scene in 3D back when it rereleased in theaters in 3D over the summer(?).
Deadpool 2 where he abuses the time machine.
Bucky staring at the video of himself in the museum exhibit at the end of CATWS