The alternatives to Intel/AMD/Nvidia, Visa/Mastercard/American Express/Discover and IOS/Android need to be more developed.
And it’s still owned by Google for over a decade. Large companies have offices all over the place
Doesn’t change the fact that my original statement is still accurate.
Actually it does. When a company gets bought. It’s no longer in existence. Trust me, I know I work for startups and it sucks sometimes but the exit money that would be part of the one point. Whatever billion that you get paid is pretty awesome
GrapheneOS is a good alternative to iOS/Android, although still Android-based
Are there lots of reports with security applications not liking Graphene OS?
I’d like to migrate, but i need to make sure my banks and job authenticator can work on it.
I’d love to get a secondary phone for these, but then it still yas to be on an up-to-date phone so I can’t simply use my old one.
All apps I need for banking, 2 factor authenticator, etc work in my GrapheneOS phone, with the exception of one particular app used for ID authentication in the country I reside. The reason is bc this app uses Google’s Play Integrity API to check the phone’s OS, and since it does not match with Google’s Android OS, it stops working since it does not pass integrity checks. As far as I know, there are few apps that do this, and as time passes more apps are moving towards hardware-attestation tests, as GrapheneOS facilitates, instead of relying Google’s Play Integrity. For me this is not an issue, because the government provides other means for ID authentication, but some other countries only relies on apps, and that might be a show stopper.
My bank app works. Westjet app for flights is very intrusive and needed the special per app compatibility mode turned on to allow app to work. It reduces GrapheneOS exploit prevention for that app, but for some reason Westjet needed more device identity confirmation than my bank app.
Check if your banks work ok in a web browser, that’s kinda my method for most things that really don’t need an app
Grapheneos requires a google phone, which is american.
Iodeos is French
It supports a few non Pixel phones, pixel had the high security capabilities thus the focus on Pixels
It doesn’t. You’re probably thinking of calyxos.
I just checked their list, it is different now than when I moved to Graphene, they had support for my Essentials PH1 before. Their support list does have emulated and generic targets, beside pixel targets, but they no longer list the other devices
For fuckin years the foss community has told us to stop using these products. It only took them all turning into literally fascist for people to finally stop giving them power
It only took them turning facist? We‘re not even remotely close to not giving them power in the corporate world. :/
Very few people are giving up this corporate tech as it is.
FOSS is so much better!
Canadia really are in no position to call others fascists anyway.
Take off, eh
What are you replacing google maps with? I’ve been getting more and more annoyed with it for a while.
It keeps wanting me to do U turns on ultra busy roads when I could just make a left turn at a light.
The recommendations are:
Organic Maps: walking/hiking/cycling.
Magic Earth: driving.
Osmand: advanced search.
OSMand~ I prefer how the maps look. And directions have been good. Initial address search is not as slick as GMaps, but it is OpenSourceMaps so :)
Here Wego: owned by Mercedes Benz and BMW, the maps that power their in-car navigation available as a free app.
Organic maps for most usecases. is also alright
To the point of replacing Visa/Mastercard: it would be great if the EU could continue in line of SEPA and create an EU payment processor. Now, I want to be very clear, it should be owned by the member states’ governments, and profit (if any) should go into the EU budget. No neoliberal bullshit of “oh we’re going to put out a contract/give out loans for anyone to set up a payment processor and the market will decide”. It should be a state owned payment processor, to finally stop the likes of Mastercard, Visa, etc. from leeching off every single consumer transaction in the economy.
Is crypto the answer?
No. It is never the answer.
Crypto is often a scam.
And paying 30% of every purchase to apple isn’t? Or even 2% of every visa transaction?
U.S. citizen here. Don’t even blame you. Just to be clear, we hate this too. Maybe Canada can save us.
You guys should be out on the streets protesting en masse. Being complacent is the same as showing you’re okay with all of these.
Meanwhile actual americans are being pulled into unmarked vans for looking latino.
Believe me, we are. They just don’t show it on the news. Plus boycotting mainstream vendors like Walmart, target, etc.
Also going to rallies and down ballot candidates. Some important local elections coming up and watch Florida for their special election.
It sucks. But, we have to fight our way out of it.
I see. I’m glad to hear it.
Just remember you’re not alone. Canada, Australia, and Europe are actively boycotting the US economy as much as possible.
We’re with you. ✊
Take photos and spread the word on social media to get more people to join
Media is not showing anything. We are out in 1000s
That’s true as there has been more protests than Trump’s first term. Read your independent media!
Something like 60-70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Most people can’t afford to protest. And healthcare insurance and other things are tied to our jobs.
You guys earn way more than us, but we still find ways to protest more often.
It really is about finding ways, its never gonna be a convenient thing you do on a sunny afternoon…
yall have free healthcare, if a cop injures me at a protest, its even more debt
The average US salary is more than most European countries average salary because we work more hours on average, have less time off, and have higher expenses for things like healthcare, groceries, utilities, etc.
I understand that, my point is the size of the salary has nothing to do with your capacity to protest, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to do it over here.
I can assure you we are not leaving our jobs just to protest, and also a majority of people love paycheck to paycheck. You need to find the time and organize.
yall have like no land, dense ass populations, it takes like 3 hours of driving to leave a country lol (it takes me 6 hours to get halfway through my state) we are spread the fk out and have car based cities/towns, we dont have a sense of community lol
How long do you think it takes to go from Madrid, Paris, Berlin or Rome to the frontier?
I think it’s their lack of free time. They have no protections if they want to take half a day off to protest.
can’t afford to protest.
I sincerely hope ruminating about the economics of your past lives are enough to keep you mentally occupied and busy while you’re in a detention facility.
US the 11th Canada province when?
The beavers will fight back!
deleted by creator
Hey, Sunshine, if you’re interested, I highly recommend contributing to OpenStreetMap if/where you can. The built-in iD editor for desktop web is phenomenal and very easy but powerful, and the third-party Vespucci app for Android on F-Droid works very well. OpenStreetMap is still missing data in relatively large cities (let alone probably out in rural areas), and that especially includes sidewalks, residential buildings, addresses, and contact information. Even just making sure the information is complete and up-to-date the next time you visit a business, park, etc. (and marking the ‘Last Checked Date’) is profoundly useful. I’d be free to answer any questions you might have!
ngl for a second I thought “what a weird way to start a comment” before I checked and realized her username was sunshine lol
I use Street Complete on mobile to make contributions.
Its intuitive and surfaces less often though about attributes like wheel chair accessibility and hard surface textures
Am I just not using it right or is it impossible to look up just a normal address? I love the idea of open maps and have contributed a few places, but the UI is difficult for me to figure out.
I find better luck finding addresses when adding a comma between the house number and street name. i.e “123, James Road”.
I use organic maps which uses open street maps, and I cannot get it to bring up anything by address. If I search the business name it brings it up, but not by address. Same thing with my home address, I can get it to bring up the street, but not my house.
A lot of addresses still need to be added to OSM. If you sign up for an OSM account (really easy; no BS, no dark patterns), you can add these addresses through the editor. In iD (the built-in web editor), this is done by clicking the building etc. and adding a street number, street name, optionally unit, city, state, and zip code if applicable. Once these are added there and published (plus maybe about 10 minutes for the editor to update), it’ll show up in the app (at least for me; I use OsmAnd downloaded from F-Droid). I do this whenever I’m about to go somewhere like a business etc. to see if the information is there. It takes about two real-world minutes and helps fill out the map. This can also be done through third-party, FOSS mobile editors like Vespucci (Android), StreetComplete (Android), and Go Map!! (iOS). This confused me at first too until I realized “Oh, the data just isn’t there, but I could add it.”
This is tougher than using GMaps, although there are ways in which OSM already curbstomps GMaps (maybe I’ll write a post about it someday), and there are huge benefits to having this information in an open dataset rather than behind Google or Bing’s closed crap. These include (for reasons I won’t delve into unless asked) accessibility for the disabled, sovereignty from corporations, much more detail (compare the same area with GMaps sans the satellite view and OSM), an open dataset for research, disaster response, conservation, and (funnily enough) walking and cycling, the last of which in my experience is strictly better than GMaps provided OSM has adequate (read: a normal amount) of data to work with. For an explanation of the last one, GMaps often recommends downright suicidal routes that take longer and go farther than OSM. Every time GMaps has offered me a better cycling/walking route in my area (but was still abysmal), I realized it was because OSM was missing something; adding this something immediately shot OSM’s route ahead of GMaps’.
I genuinely believe that OSM will steadily outperform GMaps in more areas as data is continually added. Sort of like what happened with Wikipedia and Britannica.
(Edit: god I wish I could show you my area now that I have it more-or-less fully mapped out and the routes without doxxing myself. GMaps just shows a near-blank blob without the satellite, whereas OSM is entirely readable without that. GMaps’ cycling route takes me biking through a huge, dangerous, sprawling parking lot to lose time and 0.1 miles while OSM takes the optimal route down a cycle path. Everything is perfectly documented. It’s glorious and makes GMaps look like child’s play.)
You give me hope. I love Osm, especially through osmand. I am active on streetcomplete, but have just downloaded vespucci, to check it out.
If we ever meet in person (Osm-con?) I would love to see how you have contributed to your area, and vise-versa. I believe in the free future. The positives far outweigh the negatives.
I have the opposite issue with organic maps. All of the addresses are there, but not business names.
Maybe our differing experiences are a function of how previous users contributed to the maps in our areas. It’s up to us to fill in the missing pieces as we find them. Vespucci is a good companion app to Organic for contributing back to the project. It would be nice if the functionalities of Vespucci and Organic could be merged into a cohesive experience.
Maybe our differing experiences are a function of how previous users contributed to the maps in our areas.
This is 100% correct. You can add a lot of parameters to stuff in OSM, and buildings can have the type of building (e.g. apartment building, nail salon, etc.), the name, and the address (as well as dozens of others such as contact info, hours, air conditioning y/n, toilets y/n, specific ones like bar y/n for restaurants, etc.) If the addresses exist but not the names, it’s likely these are stored right now as generic "building"s and just need someone to come along and add the name and type of business. This process is completely trivial and can be done in maybe 20 seconds per business.
Edit: Here’s an example of what a business looks like (don’t worry, I don’t actually live in Boise, Idaho; also, I just noticed there’s a “Sells Used” parameter for pet stores, which maybe we should tone down a little? lol):
Yeah I’ve had exactly the same experience. I think it’s an OM UX problem, not an issue with OSM itself.
It is an issue with OSM itself, although it’s not a fundamental issue as much as it is a transient, easily fixable one: the data for the address of that building is missing in the database.
Good question! Hopefully my answer below can help. The short answer is, no, you’re not using it wrong, although contributing these addresses will make them show up.
Thank you Thetechinician! That’s great advice indeed as OpenStreetMap needs all the help it can get! I’m currently using Organic Maps/Every Door and Go Map!! to contribute to the mobile side of things. Then on Desktop, I’m using the JOSM editor however it has quite the learning curve.
Do you know if there’s a way to improve the routing part? I find it often takes really obtuse paths that go out of the way and add time. It shows the more optimal roads as existing, so I’m not sure why. Maybe missing speed limits or something that make it think worse roads are more optimal?
OsmAnd? I’ve found it’s often worse than GMaps for driving but ends up strictly better for walking, cycling, or just telling me where I am right now. OsmAnd for me often goes out of the way in weird ways by car, so right now I use OsmAnd for cycling, walking, and orientation where it’s quite superior (and where I’m less familiar with good routes) and then use it just to tell me where a destination is if I’m driving and figure the route myself. This route-self-figuring isn’t practical for everyone (longer routes, more complicated infra, just not that good with directions), and for that I either recommend something other than OsmAnd like GMaps (GMaps seems to give basically optimal routes for driving; it just falls flat on its face for walking and cycling) or, if you’re feeling like having fun about it and have time to kill, looking along the route to see if there’s missing info (either along the route OSM chooses that would negatively impact it or along the route you would choose that would positively impact it). The level of data granularity on OSM is kind of insane, so I would keep it limited to things that could plausibly impact travel times.
Something to keep in mind is that OSM at its core is the database itself. The renderer, navigation, visual editor, etc. are just plug-and-play – anyone could use the underlying dataset to try their hand at it. For example, a slightly suboptimal route I was talking about earlier happens on OsmAnd but not on the OSM website proper, which gives a perfect route between the points. Thus, I don’t let OsmAnd’s driving bugs dampen my enthusiasm for the project, since OSM stores much more information than GMaps and is thus perfectly capable of enabling routing software to make great choices. I’ve also seen OsmAnd continually improve over my time using it, where now it takes fewer questionable routes (likely both the data getting filled in and the routing algorithm being improved). This is definitely speaking from a position of privilege, though, since I’m not e.g. in a new city where I’m still learning where everything is; I’m instead in a position to take missing info as it comes and fill in the gaps.
I will note that sometimes it really is because some data is missing. For instance, I performed a stress test by creating a bicycling route diagonally from one end of town to the other. Adding data about traffic signals like stop signs meaningfully changed the route and seemed to improve it. With the crazy level of navigation-relevant detail that OSM stores (this also includes highly granular accessibility info), I would be surprised if a routing app hasn’t outpaced GMaps for literally everything in the next 5–10 years.
the easiest way to contribute is by using the app streetcomplete. It’s basically like a game.
Which apps are available on Android for OSM?
E.g Osmand, organicmaps, magic earth. Magic earth is as far as I know the only one supporting real time traffic (and hence route optimization upon traffic incidents)
For editing, I recommend Vespucci and StreetComplete. I personally much prefer the former, but some people swear by StreetComplete.
For navigation, I recommend OsmAnd or Organic Maps. This is another situation where some people swear by Organic Maps but where I much prefer OsmAnd.
In addition to the ones already mentioned, there is another one for contributing called Every Door
How does one realistically move away from Google maps?
Consider switching to !
Also, make an account on OpenStreetMap (OSM), which is what Organic Maps uses for data. OSM is the Wikipedia of maps. You can use Organic Maps or any other OSM editor to add anything that’s missing and correct anything that’s wrong or out of date, then see your changes in the next map update.
That’s the way. Everybody takes care of the place they live in and it’s the best mapping project ever.
And if you use StreetComplete, you can fill out missing info about places that you visit
Why use organic maps instead of openstreetmaps?
Organic Maps is a client that uses openstreetmap.
Organic maps is much better for search and has a simpler interface (assuming you mean osmand). Organic maps is just an app based on openstreetmap data.
I disagree that organic maps has a better search interface. In Osmand you have a very powerful POI search. You can automatically filter for restaurants, that are open and serve vegan Indian food, and so on. Organic maps has just a text search and categories.
Actually you might be right, I was rather thinking of itself. I don’t use osmand too much since lot of good features are not free.
I got it from f-droid, and AFAIK that version feature complete and free, at least I don’t miss anything.
I started using Osmand, before Organic Maps existed, and got used to all its features, when I tested out Organic Maps, it felt very feature-lite and I was missing out a lot (POI search, routing customizations, etc.), I assumed it is just very early in development, but it seems now they are targeting a different audience than I am.
There are a couple of things I am missing in Osmand, coming back from Organic Maps, its nice looking and fast map renderer, and it seems like the text search might work a bit better. Otherwise, the more powerful POI search, and the better internal routing customization are what brought me back to Osmand. Osmand even has brouter support.
True. Organic maps is actually thought for a broader audience with daily use so they keep it simple. I use mostly organic maps and when I need something specific I switch to osmand but it always takes me time to figure out how to set up what I need.
How does one realistically move away from Google maps?
It’s still possible to buy an all-in-one navigation device to keep in a vehicle. They’re often much nicer than phone apps, now.
OSMand~ app
Magic earth
I can’t give them up for work tho 💀
It can be hard to convince others to switch over to foss alternatives in that setting but as long you’re doing the right thing yourself that’s all that counts.
Keep supporting the developers building better software and the businesses will eventually take heed to their work.
I’ve had my Google Voice number since 2005 when it was originally called GrandCentral.
I don’t think there is any place I could port my number that would let me keep service for free.
And I have never found a reasonably price alternative that doesn’t seem sketchy or gimmicky or built just for business, that also seems like it will be around in another 10 years.
Any ideas?
I wouldn’t count on google keeping any service around for the next 10 years.
Just a reminder, if you are in the EU or the UK you have a right to request the personal data collected by the service you want to leave. Acquire this data before you close your account!
we need an AOSP fork like Forgejo is to Github. Accept good changes, maybe share patches, but keep a fork that ROM devs can build upon.
I like how it took the threat of annexation to mildly inconvenience yourselves.
Inertia can hard to overcome!
For myself the invasion threat challenged me to devote more of my free time to look into alternatives to things that I was just coasting on.
Like using Lemmy, for example. You’ve been using this for years but I started just this month. I looked into it during one round of the failed boycotts of Reddit but there was no discussion ongoing in the topics I was interested in, and it sailed out my memory and off my priority list. Was it always the right call? Yes. But now the reasons are strong enough for me to overcome the inertia.
Isn’t the important thing is that it’s happening now , and not that folks like me took longer?
So yeah; I want to ditch Apple products. Right now there are no non-American products that can replace my phone but also provide all the functionality I use such as NFC payments. But I’m gonna do it anyhow when it comes time to replace my phone because it’s important to me. And if enough people do this that will trigger development of solutions for these problems, but even if they don’t I still am doing it anyhow.
I would suggest setting a self goal to switching to Postmarket OS in 2 years time then donate every month to ensure the development goes as far as possible.
I like your idea of setting self goals with a built-in reminder system. This is a mindset I’ve been trying to adopt more in my life and it’s been very successful when applied.
However I also want to counterbalance that against an impact of replacing my existing device which is not compatible with those and is a perfectly usable machine. Particularly because of the costs and the waste from upgrading devices before it’s needed.
But maybe I’m under-thinking this because of inertial and it just being easy to punt it to another day. I could sell my current device and buy a used compatible device and this wouldn’t be an excessive cost nor generation of electronic waste
Thank you for the push.
Apple was the first to go on my list. Google secondish because I switched from iphone to graphene pixel
How have you been getting on with graphene and how did the flashing process go for you?
Edit: started looking in to it/supported devices- there aren’t any Pixels with SD card slots? AAaaaarggghhhh- I really, REALLY like having a massive amount of music local on my device ><
Have a look at this and see if you like what you see.
Good luck
not OP either, but I’ve been using graphene for a bit over a week now. bought a second hand pixel 7 pro for about 300. literally followed a YouTube video for installation (there’s a ton, and the install process hasn’t changed at all over the years).
now I use magic earth, get all my apps from the neostore or aurora (which is an anonymous app that allows you to interact with the back end of the google play app repository - allowing you to bypass their front end; therefore avoiding fingerprinting).
its an absolute pleasure to know that apps are sandboxes and I sleep like a rock at night knowing that big tech ain’t got shit on me.
… except for the google pixel hardware…
get it!
Not OP but flashing is super easy. You have a detailed description and everything happens from the browser. No terminal needed.
You waited this long to get rid of Apple?
I have had a used pixel running Ubuntu Touch for months that I’m using more and more of lately.
I’ve just been looking into these other OS systems, I currently use Samsung devices and am torn between the US hardware and US software. Samsung isn’t American which is great, but im stuck on full data collecting android, whereas pixels are US phones but the data collection , the most valuable aspect financially is removed even though its built on android.
I just need Samsung to develop an OS, or even better yet, the return of Blackberry.
Do you think Linux phones are ready to swapped in mainstream yet? My next phone will be a Linux phone for sure but my current phone is too new to replace so I’m still 2 years or so away.
Do you think Linux phones are ready to swapped in mainstream yet? My next phone will be a Linux phone for sure but my current phone is too new to replace so l’m still 2 years or so away.
Not until the VoLTE support is rolled out to more models and the GPS and RCS begin functioning on Ubuntu Touch. So I wouldn’t declare it ready yet.
I would imagine the Linux phone scene would be much more developed by that point as the interest is really growing.